Thank you drahcir, that is what I was trying to get across all along.
Why are people racist?
by MrMoe 100 Replies latest jw friends
so why get your panties knotted up when someone points out a problem?
That statement my friend is sexist and I am offended by it.
For your information, I don't mind if someone points out a problem to me.
For your further information, I do not have to agree with your points or the points of others.
Dutchie, rather than pick out one statement you don't like, why don't you address the issues. You are diverting attention away from the major points being made.
The Bell Curve's arguments is that some of the difference in mean IQ scores between the white European population of the United States and the African-American population (one full standard deviation of 15 points) is probably attributable to genetic factors.
So, is that not saying that blacks are inferior to whites?
Dutchie, In my personal experience, the difference was about 10 points, but nontheless, that is still a big difference. So, my question to you is: why is there this difference? Edited to add: why are blacks, on average, better athlets than whites? Why don't you explain it all to us.
Edited by - larc on 4 August 2002 23:48:43
Larc, I don't have all the answers. You're the scientist. Not I. However, just to venture a guess:
From the time that blacks were allowed to join major league games, they heard the well-worn phrase to be a "credit to their race" both on and offr the playing field.
These men, therefore, had to carry the burden of double circumspection, to play better than white players and also to conduct a life that was far more exemplary than both their white on-the-field counterparts and the ordinary white citizen. So maybe that attitude carried over and now blacks realize that one way to mark their mark in the world and to enjoy riches beyond their wildest dreams is to be a good athlete. Remember, though, we are only talking about a small percent of blacks. Not all blacks are athletically inclined. Just as I suppose not all of them have rhythm.
Since 1952 blacks in America have been attending the same schools as whites.(Brown v. Board of Education) Same teachers, same buildings, same books and same school lunches and in many cases breakfast.
Sorry guys, but this is pure fantasy. I don't need statistics or court papers telling me so. I grew up in it. We were separated throughout school and were not integrated until 1966, my senor year. The schools were not equal and we did not even play against them in sports. When we were integrated, they brought over 3 students into our all lily white school. One senior and the other two underclassmen.
The all black schools did not have equal books, teachers and such, I don't care what the papers say. Separate but equal is and was a myth even though mandated in the early 50s. I don't need statistics or studies to tell me, though. I grew up in it in the State of Florida and the other Southern states were even worse about it.
And, I'm white.
Lew W
: The types of jobs available for almost
286 millionAfrican AmericansJehovah's Witnesses with IQ's below 115 points are typical menial positions such as janitorial work, cooking, common labor, carpentry, routine factory work, residential services, security, farming, retail sales, and lawn workNot to mention the fact that the rest of them with IQs above 115 are doing the same thing.
Duthie, that was a very fuzzy answer. You say that were better atheletes because they wanted to. If I wanted to be six foot seven and have great eye hand coordination just wouldn't happen because I wanted it. Don't you know that some of it is genetic, whether it is athletic ability, or mental ability.
Okay guys, please note the date of the following, four years after the supposed equality of schools and such;
"Resolution on Integration,"
advertisement in Arkansas Democrat (Little Rock, Nov. 22, 1957, Arkansas Missionary Baptist Convention).
Whereas, in His infinite wisdom, for His eternal glory and for the good of man, God formed the various races of men upon the earth, separated them by geographical barriers, Acts 17:26, and encouraged their continued separation by differences in language, color, and other racial characteristics, Gen. 10:5, 32; 11:1-9;
Whereas God has never set aside his decree concerning the three sons of Noah and their descendants, Gen. 9:24-27, but has taught in the Bible that segregation of the races was and is His desire and plan, Israel being a notable example, especially in that God forbid the intermarrying of the Israelites with the black races of Canaan, Gen. 24:3-4, 28:1; Deut. 7:1-3, 6; Joshua 23:12-13; Ezra 9:1-2, 10-12; 1 Kings 8:53; and Exodus 33:16.
Whereas, being law-abiding citizens, as Baptists ever have been, with a genuine love for humanity and the souls of men, regardless of race or color, having proved our loyalty by giving the blood of our sons to defend the laws of our country, having never practiced violence to force the beliefs of Baptists upon others, and consequently, being opposed to the use of physical force either to hinder or promote the integration of free men anywhere.
Be it therefore resolved that we, the Arkansas Missionary Baptist Association, herewith voice our opposition to any force within or without our country, whether communistic, socialistic or other, which seeks to destroy our democratic and American way of life; that we reaffirm our faith in the whole counsel of God's word; that we declare the integration of Negroes and Whites in our schools and society to be a threat to the security of our nation and contrary to the teachings of God both in the Bible, and in nature; and that we hereby describe the Supreme Court rulings which favor integration of blacks and whites, and the uses of Federal troops to enforce those rulings, as being deplorable, unscriptural, and not in harmony with previous decisions of that body, nor with the beliefs and purposes of the God-fearing and democratic-minded men who at the first drafted the Constitution of the United States of America.Granted, this is from the Baptists, but who do you think had more power in Southern States in the 50s and 60s? They are not known as the Bible Belt for just no reason. Federal laws were often ignored and completely forgotten, until the 60s when troops were used to enforce many of them.
Lew W