Bad Day

by Sirona 29 Replies latest jw experiences

  • waiting

    Hey Sirona,

    I hate to say this.........but what you're going through seems to be perfectly normal....even if we aren't normal persons! You've had trauma, you're healing, you worry about more trauma. Yep, that sounds normal to me.

    Btw, my sister, Patio (please feel free to email her) is a survivor of cancer - about 3 years now. Had the surgery, chemo, radiation, really lousy health for a while..........and she's doing fabulous, imho. But not 3 months after surgery, she wasn't. And yes, it took her a Long Time to get used to the idea that everything is not cancer.....but the doctors have to check it anyway.

    I'm telling her funny story now: She had a soreness in her upper back/neck area within a year after the surgery. Of course, the doctors had to check it out - and she suffered for days worrying about it. The diagnosis came was arthritis. The doctor was so glad her cancer hadn't spread. Patty's worried response? "But what about the arthritis?" Docto sighs: "Live a long happy life with it."

    I haven't had cancer.......but damn! I've had infected teeth/earaches/throat stuff all my life. Please take care of it pronto? An absessed tooth won't have you grinnin' for a couple of weeks!

    Take care - waiting

  • Prisca


    Just adding my hugs and positive vibes towards you. My family has a history with cancer, so I'm familiar with your worries.

    Hang in there, and stay positive - it really works!

  • Dutchie


    Concentrate on the good things that are happening in your life. Get prepared for your move, think about where you're going to put all those little momentos, where you're going to hand the pictures, who you'll invite over for your first dinner party. Positive thinkig can produce miracles.

    However, I tend to believe that you are just having a bad day today as you yourself stated. You always seem like such an upbeat, optomistic person, that I'm sure it will past.

    You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  • Sirona

    Hi All,

    I couldn't believe this when I logged on this morning !

    I'm really touched by your kind words and help.

    Mimilly - mmm you have persuaded me to get something done about the tooth. I'm looking at moving in about a month though, and I dont want to have it done immediately after I move. Perhaps I should just arrange another appointment and get it booked in, even if its September/October. I finished the antibiotics yesterday and I can tell that they haven't worked.

    Thanks to Rich, Tink, Freetobeme, Sentinel, Windchaser, Waiting, Prisca and Dutchie.....your collective comments have helped me see that it *is* normal to feel this way and that there *is* support out there. I can't believe what some of you are experiencing with family and with personal stories of cancer.

    I'm feeling a bit better today, (helped by reading this thread)

    Will let you know what happens. I will probably post a lot when my face is black and blue from tooth extraction!


  • Imbue

    Sirona says:

    I finished the antibiotics yesterday and I can tell that they haven't worked.

    Please call your Physician and relate this information since your dentist or oral surgeon may not perform the surgery while you still have an infection. And you can't wait till Sept/Oct to resolved an infection it may spread before then and make matters worse. Many times antibiotics do not resolved an infection and another one must be prescribed. Please follow up soon.

  • Mimilly

    Sirona sweetheart - please don't wait that long. I have been up for endless nights with pain, pressure and cracking in my ear. I go to the doctor tomorrow for more antibiotics. I have an appointment on August 7th for a root canal. (why are you having an extraction?)

    I'm relieved to hear that you have decided to get something done about that tooth. But the time frame you are talking about is awhile yet and I guarantee you'll be on several courses of antibiotics. You yourself said that the ones you just finished didn't work. You already need more. (like me)

    Sirona, I am very familiar with cancer. Both my parents had it. Mom survived two breast cancer bouts. (two of her sisters died from the same thing), and my father had skin cancer. I was with Mom when she was going through it and it took all her mental and physical energy. You do NOT need something fixable like this tooth dragging your system down. Repetitive antibiotics are not good/healthy, and yet if you go without, you will end up like me - ear AND sinus infections - big time. (which will lead to no sleep, fevers etc) You do NOT need that right now honey. PLEASE - get the tooth dealt with - soon. I have suffered for a good year because no one knew what was causing the infection and pain.

    Please... please do not wait until after you move. Please. You cannot afford to allow yourself to be worn down like that - especially when it is totally unnecessary.

    Just really concerned about ya love......

    hugs, Mimilly

  • invisible

    Dear Sirona

    Sorry to hear you been feeling down, 'Celtic' Mark here from Community Action Network in Cornwall.

    A useful address for you in locating a self help group specifically relevant to the UK.

    Hope this assists you.



  • Sirona


    I just called the hospital...I plucked up courage. Explained to the lady who answered in Oral Surgery Dept that I'd like to book to have the wisdom tooth removed as the surgeon recommended.

    She put me on hold....

    She came back and said the woman I need to speak to has gone home and can I call tomorrow!!


    I will call tomorrow. I'm hoping they don't book me in too fast...


    Invisible - thanks for the link.

  • BluesBrother

    Hi Sirona,

    I'm late finding this thread, as I often am, but If you do return to it I just wanted to add my warm encouragement and ((((((((( hug))))))).

    Your story is humbling to me ,who enjoys good health . I was feeling a bit sorry for myself because i have a cold!

    Anyway, for what it may be worth, my sister in law - who survived breast cancer some years ago and is still here to tell the tale - was helped by the Bristol Cancer Help Centre. Not so much in treatment but in her mental attitude to deal with it . I see they are now on line at

    Take care and keep posting to let us know how you are getting on .

  • Sirona

    Hi Blues,


    I phoned the hospital again and got a load of crap off the secretary. She says that I have to visit my ordinary dentist, who will write another letter to the specialist, who will ask me to go for another appointment, .....then I will sit there for 2 hours in the waiting room (again) only to be seen for 5 minutes and told (again) that I need my wisdom tooth out, then I will recieve a letter informing me of when to go into hospital and have it done. ARRGH.

    I explained to the secretary that it would be easier if she showed the specialist my notes, ask him to approve me being booked straight in for the op, and give me an appointment to have it done.

    After much arguing with her, she agreed. I think she agreed to get rid of me. I expect that when I phone to chase her up, I will be informed that she's decided to have a 2 week holiday. Then I will have the argument all over again with another secretary.

    Bloody NHS.


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