Where are the Masculine Men?

by teenyuck 101 Replies latest jw friends

  • expatbrit


    Careful or I'll dominate you with a wet teabag. I've been taking lessons from 4skin the Barbarian.


  • Xena

    Do you REALLY want to go there Alechmist? Cause if you do....hey I will dance with ya...tell me how masculine you are...what defines you?

  • teenyuck

    I deleted it myself....pretty gross. Yuck.

    I found your photo again, on the web....Simon put a post to tell me if this is too bad.....

    Edited by - puffsrule on 30 July 2002 20:20:23

  • teejay
    prove it teejey..show us a picture or something...


    It's only my opinion, but in saying this you show that, just in the other thread, you don't really understand what femininity or masculinity *is.* Posting a pic gives the viewer no clue as to one's masculinity of femininity. You know why? Because neither of those things can be captured in a photo.

    Those are qualities that come from the heart and are FELT, not SEEN -- at least not in a photo. Regardless of the pic I post, what you saw would give you no clue of whether I was masculine or not. You might think I was sexy (or not), handsome (or not); fat, thin, tall, short... but masculine? Not a chance.

  • Mimilly

    I too, think 4skins is KJV. Darn reincarnates!

    Masculinity? A man who does not have a beer belly or is listed in the obese section. Along with this, one who displays manners and a healthy amount of self-confidence, humor and insight. Cleanliness goes without saying - but I said it anyway.

    my .002


  • 4skins

    I was wondering when you guys would get around to the socialist/WTS machination of controlling discussion. Censorship is here on this thread. Now, you don't have to contend with any facts and insults can be unidirectional. And that's okay too.

  • The Alchemist
    The Alchemist

    You ever have it happen when you think a person at the other end of the room is talking to you and they are really talking to someone behind you? Puff-cruel did you get some grossout photo from Simon that he thinks I sent? There is no truth to that. Hell I can't figure out how to get my autographed photo of my hero Andrew Dice Clay beneath my handle. And who is ths KJB fellow anyway?

  • DakotaRed

    Is this masculine, ladies? Bear in mind, it's from a small guy who's old too.

    Edited by - DakotaRed on 30 July 2002 21:4:52

  • Xena

    The Alchemist you struck me as higher up the evolutionary ladder than 4skins/KJV reincarnate....you really think his arguments hold water?

  • The Alchemist
    The Alchemist

    Damn! Dakota Red! Were did you get that grossed out photo of my arm?

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