JW article in major Canadian newspaper today...

by Pathofthorns 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pathofthorns

    I almost didn't have time to read the morning's paper, but a banner at the top of the front page entitled "Cheerleading for Jehovah" got my attention.

    Interesting comments in the Toronto Star can be read here

    The article has obvious input from the Society and seems to be a PR type move in light of recent bad Canadian press (Calgary blood case) and likely future Canadian programs exposing JWs and child abuse.

    Interesting comments:

    "As official aids, they use Watch Tower and Awake!, semi-monthly magazines featuring such articles as "Protect Your Children" (from pedophiles and "homosexual perversions"), "Help for Battered Women", and "Can We Grow Enough Food?" (note the highlighting of abuse articles)

    "According to the organization, those who simply leave the faith are not shunned. Someone who unrepentantly practises "serious sins" like drunkenness, stealing or adultery will be "disfellowshipped" and avoided"

    "Gollan stumbles a bit and says, "We're as normal as anyone else." (So much for being "different" and "no part of the world eh?)

    "In Canada, there are 110,000 Jehovah's Witnesses, of which one-quarter are younger than 25. " (watch for a 30,000 person decrease in the near future)

    "All three have chosen not to pursue post-secondary education." (i wonder why?)

    Letters to the editor can be sent here: [email protected]

    Letters must include full name, address, and phone numbers of sender. Street names and phone numbers will not be published.

    We reserve the right to edit letters, which typically run 50-300 words. Photos are welcome.


    Edited by - Pathofthorns on 30 July 2002 18:16:0

    Edited by - Simon on 30 July 2002 18:51:31

  • teenyuck

    The way they use the term "volunteering" is troublesome.

    Yes, it is done voluntarily, however, the term implies that you are helping someone. As we know, they are telling people that the end is near...witnessing. Not quite the same, IMHO.

    'what a joke. The society is really working the press, huh?

  • plmkrzy
    Faith and the city They're young and hip but opted against university to focus on life as Jehovah's Witnesses
    How could you leave this out? CMO(crack me up)
  • detective


    (rolls eyes)

  • expatbrit

    Oh boy, I'm sharpening the quill for a response to this!


  • zenpunk

    They're gonna be kicking themselves in 10 years when they realize they can't make more than minimum wage...

    Or, to quote SYN, they're "baby factories on legs".

    Hey! I thought Rock concerts were evil - what were they doing at a Dave Matthews gig?

  • joannadandy
    According to the organization, those who simply leave the faith are not shunned.

    REALLY?? Hmm, maybe the organization needs to have a special talk about this then since by reading a majority of the stories here, the flock doesn't get this message...WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP...

    I love how they "socialize with those who think like they do" so they don't "crave" bad things...how can they be testing their faith then if they don't have to fight for it?


    Hahaha..ahhh t'was a good laugh to me, and to all those little canada jw's a "good witness" -- whatever

  • nancee park
    nancee park

    It would be nice if some of you in Toronto would go to churches and businesses leaving a summary on the pedophile and U.N. scandals, wouldn't it? Maybe even to some of the homes located on the streets right near the kingdom halls. See...

  • BluesBrother

    "As a religion, we allow the Bible to interpret itself."

    and the bit about,

    Marriage to an unbeliver is not banned!!

    Come on , who are they kidding?

  • nancee park
    nancee park

    Again: It would be nice if some of you in Toronto would go to churches and businesses leaving a summary on the pedophile and U.N. scandals, wouldn't it? Maybe even to some of the homes located on the streets right near the kingdom halls. See...

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