Dont miss upcoming stories by Cristina Simonetto.
Faith and Betrayal follows the lives of three young Jehovah's Witness women as they come to realize that their religion has betrayed them. Faith and the City showed how Deanna Brown, Lisa Gollan, and Karla Brown wholehearted desired to serve God through the Watchtower Organization. The girls opted against university educations and chose part time jobs to allow them to devote 70 hours per month to the preaching work.
Follow the heartbreaking story of these women as they discover that things are not always as they seem. They realize the wonderful information in the Protect Your Children magazine is different from actual WTBS policy . Read along as we see the girls slowly come to understand that their answers to disfellowshipping questions were not correct. Finally they see they are governed by unwritten law taught by a secret society in private meetings.
Read the womens attempts to find husbands and jobs as their youth fades and their education are inadequate.
Edited by - nanoprobe on 30 July 2002 16:48:15