JW article in major Canadian newspaper today...

by Pathofthorns 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • hawkaw

    I have a call into the person who wrote the article. She does not work for the Star.

    I have trouble with the fact that she indicated that a person who know longer wishes to stay wont be shunned. This simply is not true - all you have to do is read the Our Kingdom Ministry of August 2000. She got the information out of the WTS media web site which misrepresents the actual truth.

    After I talk to her I will talk to an editor at the Star.

    The Star was good to us last may - putting Bill's dfing story in on May 9, 2002.


    p.s. - np - lots of people in Toronto are doing lots of things.

  • nancee park
    nancee park

    GOOD! And while at it encourage more to do even more!

  • Pathofthorns


    People up here already don't listen to JWs and I assure you the overwhelming majority of young JWs here are well on their way out. Canada is also an extremely well connected country as far as the internet goes too.

    Old school methods like apostates outside conventions and delivering fliers only irritate people and don't work well here. Believe me, the battle is being fought slowly but surely.


  • morrisamb

    I thought the article was pleasant enough but these few words:

    articles as "Protect Your Children" (from pedophiles and "homosexual perversions)

    unfortunately colour the whole piece. The fact that they lump the two together is insensitive at the very least. That's not those 3 girls fault. That's what they are taught. But if someone handed me a magazine with that kind of heading, they'd hear a thing or two. I don't care if she looked like Audrey Hepburn.

  • Explorer

    Every single story has two different sides folks, and that's something we all have to learn sooner or later in life. Of course it is not easy to recognize this fact, but not doing it just makes it harder to deal with.

    Just think of this : Even Satan has supporters, and some of those claim he is just victim in The Almighty scheme of things. If there were a movement for granting this character a full pardom, there would be hundreds or thousands of activists all over the planet.

    Everyone is entitled to have his or her own opinion, and to adhere and follow his or her own version of the thruth. JW's are doing so. So, why not just leave them alone with their truth. Does it hurt that much to do so? I guess it does ah? Well, wherever...

  • Nanoprobe

    Faith and the city
    By Cristina Simonetto

    How on earth does the Watchtower keep the "good" press constantly rolling out? Did they ask around in Canada, "We had some bad press lately on the blood issue and disfellowshipping, any of you brothers know a reporter?"

    Sure enough, Deanna Brown, does. So she invites the reporter to a Dave Matthews concert and the rest is history.

  • scumrat

    Too bad...... These girls seem to be as naive as I was when I was their age. Hopefully they will do some research on the organization and realize

    just what their about before they invest too much time.

  • SYN

    Wow, someone quoted me!

    [SYN], of the Happy Go Lucky Apostate Class.

  • plmkrzy

    As a religion, we allow the Bible to interpret itself.

    And they believe that the Bible would not condone any of the damage that has been wreaked in its name.

    It is only obvious just how young these mature ladies are.

    I have a mental picture of them walking down the isles

    In grocery stores each pushing a cart walking in sync

    Nicely dressed, starched and color coordinated

    Gazing back and forth at the items on the shelves in unison

    Each wearing a big happy smile.

    I am trying to frame this so it doesn't go way out in the boonies.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    I just send an email off to the Star and told them the other side of the story. The link is:



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