perhaps if she included who her web host was people could see what she was paying for which may help a bit?
Please help keep this site up
by Dogpatch 23 Replies latest jw friends
just a thought ... is she talking about AUS dollars ? I guess this would make it less than I pay if it was huh?
I would encourage JanG to look at alternative hosting as I have seen some fantastic deals that I would definitely consider for static content.
If she can't move though, it would be good if anyone who can and wants to help does.
Good post, Simon. I was wondering why costs were so high for Jan.
I resell webspace, mostly for the different biker groups out there. With 300 megs of space at 10 gigs of traffic, plus all the wiz-bang stuff simon refered to, we manage it all for less than $40/month. Hell, I pay for several sites myself, since we dont make money in our politics.