Don't believe in Evolution or Creation.

by sleepy 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • sleepy

    SixofNine "yeah, yeah. Scientist worldwide love to hide evidence, not even taking a close look at it themselves. After all, scientist just have no real curiousity or desire to figure things out."

    I think maybe some just feel that scientists are too eager to fit things in with the world view they have been learning for the past whatever many years and are afraid to speak out or be different.They are human after all, and most of us did the same with JW's, we filtered our view of evidence through our watchtower sun-glasses.

    I do doubt though most of these renagade scientists who claim to have made astounding discoverises that contradict all science or whatever.In Britian we have Graham Hancock , who has had to tone down his radical views other the years on the history of man due to overwhelming evidence , but he is eager to prove his views with solid evidence which I believe he is trying to do at the moment by searching for evidence of lost races from the ice age which would have been swallowed up by the rising see water.

  • Crazy151drinker

    Speaking of lost races, did anyone here see the History Channel program about the underwater pyramid off the coast of Japan??? Its under 80ft of water!!! The last time it was above the sea was back in the ICE AGE which would make it over 10,000 years old! Move over egyptians......needless to say there is a lot of confusion over it.

    Edited by - crazy151drinker on 7 August 2002 13:25:57

  • BluesBrother
    "! Do you think some sheep farmer in 2000BC would understand thermal dynamics?????"

    Certainly he might if he had your education, could you safeguaurd sheep in the desert without training? Von Danneken's book "Was God an Astronought" vastly underestimated early civilised man, and is debunked now.

    In the issue of Creation or not , it does come down to perception . Two men look at a beautiful dawn , one says "Isnt evolution wonderful?" the other " Thank God for a beautiful day" . They are both convinced they have proof.

    For me, logic and common sense ,and I'll admit a lot of J W Bibly study , has made me convinced that this wonderful world was made ,planned by a caring creator. But I dont mind if you disagree. God is big enough to fight his own battles.

  • Gedanken


    I'm not confusing the issue - you are. Anyone who says that they don't know whether to believe in evolution or not is either (i) totally ignorant of the factual evidence or (ii) talking about the theory of evolution rather than the fact that things evolved. Somone can be legitimately unsure about the theory of gravity but only an idiot would deny that gravity exists.

    If evolution were not tied so closely to beliefs that people hold near and dear than this would not be an issue at all, as someone pointed out earlier in this thread. In what other field of learning do you find people who are barely able to write a complete sentence challenging the findings of years of careful research. No professional biologist in the world denies the fact of evolution and even the world's major religions have had to accept the evidence. It is simply silly for people who have obviously not studied the issue to claim that their gut feel is correct. Further, their gut feel is just inherited superstition passed down through the ages. Have you ever heard of a an evolutionist converting to Creationism? The opposite happens all the time.

    Here's two challenges:

    (i) Simon, how about starting a focus thread on evolution with the ground rules being that participants who resort to insults are ignored (self-enforced). Can the creationists here step up to the plate and not only explain why evolution didn't happen but put forth a compelling argument for Creation. Nothing I've seen on this board - or elsewhere - comes even close. The best Creationists can do is to complain that they are having their "intelligence" insulted. Well, it's frustrating trying to debate with people who not only don't have a clue but refuse to get one.

    (ii) Since the Creationists are so smart - why not branch out into other areas of scientific endeavor. Why not come up with a cure for cancer, or a clean fusion reactor, or a way to travel to Mars. How about inventing a 132 bit 20 GHz cpu. Creationists's denial of the evidence for evolution is no less ridiculous - actually more ridculous - than them all trying to do as I suggest.


    Edited by - Gedanken on 7 August 2002 17:14:42

  • Carmel

    Have your cake and eat it too! Evolution does not negate the possibility of life having been created. It speaks to how it has changed over time.


  • Gedanken


    It is interesting how the steady advance of science has debunked all of the silly religious superstitions based on theological "certainty" which is really fundamentalist ideological fanaticism - the Earth is the center of the Universe, etc. God is useful only when it comes to the unknowable or the invisible. Once the matter is investigated God recedes further from reality.

    Actually, it was a tremendous relief for me to dump the notion of a Creator. I'd hate to think that an intelligent being could be responsible for all the suffering in the world, which is a pretty ugly place. Just think of how many sentient creatures - cows, lambs, mice, deer, etc. - are ruthlessly slaughtered and tortured to death every day. And let's not forget the brutality of humans to one another. And still many cling to the belief that God made it all. Really, evolution has gotten God off a giant hook.


  • larc

    The title of this tread is, Don't believe in Evolution or Creation. I have to ask: what do you believe? I don't that was explained. Also, the title should read "special creation," because evolution is creation. Several posters equate evolution with atheism. However, many people believe in God and believe that evolution was the method God used to create. I wish folks would stop mucking the waters by bringing a belief or a disbelief in God into the discussion of evolution. They are not related. Now those who believe that believe in special creation are basicly saying "God did it." Well, that is not good enough for a scientist. A scientist is interested how, when, and where things were done, and they have made good progress in many fields in finding answers to these fundemental questions. They make no claim on the question of "why" something was done. That is the question for religion and philosophy, not science.

  • Gedanken


    While it's true that evolution and atheism are not necessarily related, it is the case that Creationism - part of the topic of this thread - is related to a belief in God. Creationists don't like evolution not simply because it goes a literal reading of Genesis, but because it onvolves a way of thinking that, as you point out, reduces "belief in God" to a matter of philosophy as opposed to being deducible from observation. In other words, pursuing the scientific method leads to the conclusion that there is no evidence for God's existence.


  • ballistic

    I would like to recommend the blind watchmaker by Richard Dawkins. This to me is like the evolution book in reverse. Takes a marvel of nature and asks 'why did this evolve that way?'.

    I did a complete U turn in my beliefs, although I understand that some here still believe in creation and that's fine.

    Secondly, Fred Hoyle who is widely quoted by the society in the magazines and the evolution / creation book was in our field service territory before he died and repeatedly found himself having to explain his own words because they were completely twisted and taken out of context.

    Having read the blind watchmaker, go back and re-read the evolution book just to make sure.

  • Crazy151drinker


    Your right, my education is 100X better than anything that was available back then (except for my spelling). If I really wanted to, I am sure I could learn how to herd sheep. The point I am making is that God would have explained things to people in a way that they could understand. These days He would get into more details- even though im sure we still wouldnt get it......

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