W 15 july - members of others religions not destroyed???

by paradisebeauty 37 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • paradisebeauty

    Please tell me what do you understand from this quote that is taken from w july 2015, the article your deliverance is close paragraph 5.

    I understand that not all members of other religions will be destroyed at Armageddon.

    I talked to a jw. He says he understands differently: they will not be destroyed when the Babylon the great will be destroyed but they will be destroyed in Armageddon.

    What do you understand?

    Should we conclude, though, that the destruction of the religions of Babylon the Great results in the death of all the former members of those religions? Apparently not. The prophet Zechariah was inspired to write about that time. Speaking of someone who was previously part of false religion, the account states: “He will say, ‘I am no prophet. I am a man cultivating the soil, because a man bought me when I was young.’ And if someone asks him, ‘What are these wounds between your shoulders?’ he will answer, ‘Wounds I received in the house of my friends.’” (Zech. 13:4-6) So, apparently, even some of the clergy will abandon their religious course and deny that they were ever part of those false religions.

  • sir82

    I would tend to agree with your JW. The context is specifically referring to "the destruction of the religions of Babylon the Great".

    In JW doctrine, that is an event which is entirely separate from Armageddon, and which precedes it by a matter of days, weeks, months, or even years.

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  • wifibandit

    He is right. That is what they are saying. It is in the context, look at the subheading and par.4, then read par. 12 & 13.

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  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    If you are not a G.B. devotee at Armageddon, then you're toast!

  • John Aquila
    John Aquila

    In JW doctrine, that is an event which is entirely separate from Armageddon, and which precedes it by a matter of days, weeks, months, or even years

    Overlapping Babylon destruction generations. It could be 800 years to 4000 years from the time Babylon is destroyed to the time Armageddon arrives!

    Keep on the Watch!

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  • FusionTheism


    I'm in the minority opinion on here, but I believe this is actually New Light.

    If you look at the Simplified Edition of this article, it says that it's unlikely that many from Babylon would repent and be saved, and we shouldn't expect many to do so.

    But this is definitely New Light, with them saying there is the POSSIBILITY to repent after the Tribulation starts.

    The Old Light was that the Door of the Ark closed at the Outbreak of the Tribulation and all not inside the Organization at that moment were doomed.

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  • Vidiot


    At this rate, there's still a be a chance to get saved almost right up until the moment the Big A starts...

    ...hmph. Some incentive to stay.

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  • wifibandit
    Exactly. The new cut off date is the start of Armageddon, not the start of the great tribulation.
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  • StarTrekAngel

    It has bien written before that just like when then Israelites left Egypt, some from other religions may join Jehovah's people at the last minute. However, they've always stopped short of asserting that such individuals had any guarantees of survival. You are gonna have to trust me on this one because I don't have any magazines to quote but I do remember this.

    I do understand from that article and others from before, that we can not expect to see Babylon the great destroyed completely. Not physically. To destroy it completely, you would expect to see its leadership destroyed as well as every member. Would it mean every member will be killed? Not so, the so called "destruction" could come in the shape of removal of power or authority, or any other form of removing its influence over the world

  • prologos

    "In JW doctrine, that is an event which is entirely separate from Armageddon, and which precedes it --" John Aquila:

    The destruction of Babylon the Great and Armageddon might be different events, but are all part of the Great Tribulation, if you follow the arrow. Why is it good to confirm this? because it destroys WT's assertion that the generation is the overlapping anointed groups.

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