W 15 july - members of others religions not destroyed???

by paradisebeauty 37 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • fukitol

    Even if the JW's are right and 98% of the planet's population are massacred at Armageddon, who the f*ck would want to worship a God like that? I sure as hell wouldn't.

    Satan would be the one laughing, he would be the one vindicated. He would have proved that God had to kill nearly all of the human race at Armageddon. A global genocide against his own imperfect human creation. What sort of vindication is that? Satan would've proved that Jehovah and Jesus are planetary genocidal maniacs. Didn't Jesus say he came to save the world not destroy it? God may as well just have wiped out Adam and Eve at the beginning and started again, cuz after 6,000 years he proved squat since he had to wipe them all out anyway.

    I may as well worship Pol Pot, Stalin or Hitler.

  • Fisherman

    Should we conclude, though, that the destruction of the religions of Babylon the Great results in the death of ALL the former members of those religions?

    We will see what actually happens. WT teaches that if you are in the danger zone after the disgusting thing comes back as Titus, chances are that you are going down with her.

  • Fisherman

    Satan will stop laughing when he is dead. God is merciful and good and with God all things are possible. "He does not want any to be destroyed but wants ALL to repent" But God will not allow his enemies to touch his people. He will kill as many as he needs to to stop his enemies from touching his people. JW do not want people die at Armageddon, JW want everyone to repent and live, and who knows, maybe they will.

    Jehovah is worshiped out of love not fear. Fear of Jehovah means fear that he removes his Holy Spirit from you. That is something to fear.

  • oppostate
    No. Many millions who lived in centuries past and who weren’t Jehovah’s Witnesses will have an opportunity for salvation.

    CO Scotty Henry took great delight in asking the group meeting for field service if the WT answer in question about others than JW's surviving the Big A included people who are currently living. The Answer was NO, he pointed out the wording savoring the double speak. He loved pointing out how the WT gave such a "clever" answer.

    Too bad for the householders that refused taking the literature, and said no to the Organization. In his explanation they had it coming for ignoring the WT.

    What a WT tool this little man full of theocratic theatrics really is!

  • tiki
    talk about confusion. it's all rhetoric. the fact is that no one can accurately predict future events.
  • Fisherman

    The Answer was NO,

    What does he know. That is only his opinion. God is the final judge. There is an opportunity for ALL to repent otherwise, how could God want something that is impossible. Besides, with God all things are possible. But the person has to be willing to search for God and the the very least try. God understands weakness, but deliberate maliciousness is inexcusable.

  • Fisherman

    the fact is that no one can accurately predict future events.

    God predicts future events in the Bible. What you probably mean is understand prophesy exactly as it means. That is true but why would God give prophecy if he did not intend for it to be understood BEFORE it happened. At some point he should make the meaning understood. In the mean time the prophecies are there and the cutting edge is to interpret the meaning.

  • millie210

    I thought this quote from the article was thought provoking - at least for me.

    “Similarly, we cannot expect that the future interruption in the great tribulation will result in an influx of new believers. Rather, it will be an opportunity for all true believers to prove their love for Jehovah and give their support to Christ’s brothers.

    I thought the preaching work, standing firm over the blood issue, children not saluting the flag etc were ways to prove a persons "love for Jehovah".

    During a great cataclysmic judgement day - why wouldnt your average every day hanger on semi believer move toward the JWs How is that proving love and what about all the ways I mentioned above?

    I think they overuse that term and I think they have no idea whatsoever what "love for God" entails.

    I dont either but at the very least I can acknowledge that I dont.

  • bemused
    Any hope for atheists?
  • cultBgone
    Is there really any point in debating the meanings of their teachings? It's all just group-speak anyway, used to keep the jws both fearful of not being jws and proud to be card-carrying members who believe in the mantra "WE are better than everyone else, WE are the only ones that god really loves, better do what WE say or you'll die." The watchtower real estate corp is just another version of Jim Jones and every other wacko charismatic "preacher of the good news."

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