As a parent I do expect respect from my daughter....but then again..I take care of her, I talk to her, I listen to her and I try to always be there for her.
Parents who do not interact with their children, who do not respond to them usually end up with children that rebel and act out and ultimately might end up hating their parents and denying their existance.....
hhhmmmm perhaps God needs some parenting lessons???
As recipients of the gift of life we may feel that we want to offer respect and love and worship to the God that made us.
I suspect that Sleepy is referring to the J W version of it , that says that if you are such an ungrateful so and so that you do not give heart, soul mind and strength to God - through themselves of course - that he will be mortally offended , and kill you.
That used to bother me, off and on for many years , when I was a dub. It seemed that God was sitting back demanding obeysance and love. "Be nice to him or he will kill you" used to run through my mind at times.
When I was "Straightened out" I believed that He was the sovreign and could do what he willed.
Ok, look, I can probably answer this question better than anyone here because, well, god is my dad and I've been around him a bit more than all of you have.
Plain and simple, he doesn't want or need people to worship him. Some humans came up with that idea so that they could get power over other humans. In fact, people who spend a bunch of time doing their thing to praise us just kind of piss us off. For some reason they think that suffering or going without for us somehow makes them more holy than the people out there who are actually going out and enjoying all the great things in the world and trying to make it a better place. You all have a lot of really great things to see, hear, taste, smell, feel, and experience. Make as much as you can from it all and really enjoy it. That's how we know you're truly appreciative, not by how much you turn all that stuff away.
Jehovah doesn't NEED to be worshiped. As a matter of fact, Jehovah lived forever before he created any creature to worship him. So it is not a matter of his need. However, humans have a need to worship God. Every person has an inborn tendency to worship. In most people though that tendency is perverted into worshipping someone or something other than the Creator. As far a Jehovah wanting or willing that his creatures worship him, that is why God created intelligent creatures in the first place. Those who actually worship God and who seek to know him consider it a privilege to do so. Obviously, though, there are many who are filled with hatred for their Creator, and we who worship God are in agreement with God's judgment that such creatures should not forever exist and enjoy God's gift of life with no regard for the Giver. / You Know
we who worship God are in agreement with God's judgment that such creatures should not forever exist and enjoy God's gift of live
You lost me here, YK. First of all, you surely mean "God's gift of life"? (Not live vs. tape-delayed??)
But again threatening everyone on the board who is is not up to your spiritual qualifications -- that is one reason why you're so not loved around here! (You gather more flies with honey than vinegar, my friend.)
And Jehovah created his creatures mainly so that they could worship him 24/7? Did Jehovah need to create mankind to gather more people to feed his ego? Doesn't that conflict with the idea that we are "made in His image", with certain traits, and freedom to use the intelligence and abilities he's given us? Wasn't the main idea of creating us so that we could enjoy the gift of life? If a condition of the gift of life is spending 24/7 praising the creator, than life is a "conditional" gift. (But I guess everything is conditional with Jehovah's Witnesses.)
One should imagine that the mere mention of Jehovah should cause apostate Dubs to convulse with laughter, for the time being at least. But why even discuss a topic like whether God wants or neeeds to be worshipped if you imagine that God doesn't even exist. If the original poster thought Jehovah didn't exist then it becomes quite absurd to consider whether a non-existent deity wants to be worshipped. If though a person believes that God lives, than his being King of eternity, as the Scriptures describe, is the only reasonable answer to the question of how Jehovah came about. Otherwise the questions never end, becuase if Jehovah had a beginning, than the question arises who created the Creator. So, really, your laughter and scoffing at the thought of Jehovah's existing forever is simply a childish way of dismissing reality. / You Know
But again threatening everyone on the board who is is not up to your spiritual qualifications -- that is one reason why you're so not loved around here!
I ain't trying to win any popularity context. But, as for threatening anyone, that's nonsense. Apostate Dubs know full well that Jehovah requires obedience from his creatures and that failure to obey comes with the threat of death. That's not my message. / You Know
Why didn't Jehovah just give us an inborn tendency to worship him and him alone? If God gave us this inborn tendency to worship, and we act on it by worshipping someone other than himself, why should he be upset? We are just acting on an impulse that he gave us.