Hi YouKnow,
Good to see you back. Excellent discussion. It scares the poop out of me to agree with you, though.
I'm am absolutely convinced that man has an inborn need to (what we call) worship God. The creator put that need in us. I like Amazing's thought that perhaps we should be talking about "Loving God", since we have old tribal, savage images of what the word 'worship' means.
I would like to suggest we seperate from the Hebrew scripture image of a warlike, jealous, demanding God. That biblical account described a 'shadow', not the reality. Like the book of Job, it contains more misimpressions of reality than accurate statements. Perhaps it was God's way of teaching us how NOT to "worship" him.
Along comes the REALITY, Jesus Christ, and he talks about love and refers to God only as our FATHER. He told the Sumaritan woman that both the Hebrew way and her local idolatrous way of worshiping God were useless, but that God was looking for thinking people to 'worship him in spirit and truth'. (John 4) To me he as saying throw away every primative notion you have about God and seek this caring spirit father with all your heart. It was NOT HIS NEED TO BE WORSHIPPED BUT OUR NEED FOR THIS RELATIONSHIP.
Just my thoughts at this time.