Obviously, though, there are many who are filled with hatred for their Creator, and we who worship God are in agreement with God's judgment that such creatures should not forever exist and enjoy God's gift of life with no regard for the Giver.
Boy, YK, I was scared for a minute. I actually agreed with most of what you said through a whole post, up until this last sentence, where you chose to turn an otherwise intelligent argument into yet another gratuitous sideways swipe at "apostates". It must be scary, hating someone so much, and yet realizing, deep inside, that you're one of them too? Sort of like those old stories about Hitler suuposedly having some Jewish ancestry.
Apostate Dubs know full well that Jehovah requires obedience from his creatures and that failure to obey comes with the threat of death. That's not my message.
Of course not. It's the message of the Watchtower Book Publishing Corporation. It's 180 degrees from the message of the Bible.
Apostate Dubs may enjoy blaspheming Jehovah by casting him either as a maniacal mass murderer or a ego-driven bully.
That's because the Watchtower's Jehovah IS both a maniacal mass murderer and an ego-driven bully. This is the god who wants to eternally destroy over 6 billion people any day now, because they don't listen to an indistinct, wavering message being sounded by a corrupt organization run by criminals, remember? What else could you call someone like that but a maniac and a murderer? He makes Hitler look like a saint.