We don't know what jesus was doing during the period of 1914-1919. Contrary to the wt doctrine an elder during tonights bookstudy for no apparent reason made this statement after the last paragraph for tonights book study was commented on .Most unusuall don't you think?
local elder admits..........
by heathen 26 Replies latest jw friends
Refresh my memory...What does the Society say Jesus did during those years?
refiners fire
I think he would have been FAIRLY busy during that time.
First he had to have his Innauguration as King. Plus there was war in heaven cause the devil had to be booted out. Then in 1918 the resurrection, so that was no small feat. Oh, and The "organization' had to be examined to see if it was worthy of being Gods appointed insatrument on earth. Yup, Id say he was a busy boy.
Actually, what I want to know, is whats he been doing since 1919?? Not much. Though i suppose the "investigative judgement" examining hearts and minds of the human population must be FAIRLY demanding.
Edited by - refiners fire on 2 September 2002 22:40:53
Big Tex
As I recall, I thought he was fighting Satan in heaven. I remember a publication, or maybe it was a district assembly (convention?) talk that said WWI was a cover for the war in heave in which Satan and the demons were cast out of heaven. If I remember correctly, the war was won in 1919, and that was when Jehovah's Witnesses (the International Bible Students then) fulfilled the parable in Matthew of the 5 virgins who were awake and became Jehovah's chosen organisation. Or so Judge Rutherford pontificated . . . .
If I remember correctly they believe that jesus was busy judging the churches of christiandom searching for a religion that would eventually take up the name jehovah.It has to do with old testament scripture as much as new.
Maybe it's a new "ploy" by the WTS to see if there are any "reactions" for the dubs at the bookstudy. If anyone said, "Wow, yeah, I was thinking the same thing lately..." the dub would be pegged as possibly being one who had read that 1914 was NOT the end of the Gentile Times when Jesus began reigning afterall...
Or, maybe I have been hanging around this forum too long... :-)
refiners fire
Actually, if Russell died in 1916, before the dubbies were tested as to whether they were suitable to be Gods Earthly church choice in 1917, and before they were selected as Gods earthly church choice in 1919, then he was never really Gods instrument while he was alive was he.
Was he??
Refiners: Moses never got to see the promised land...
...or did he??
Stupid alert!
According to JW theology it took Jesus FIVE YEARS to rassel ole Satan out of heaven, FIVE YEARS??? Now if Jesus backed by Jehovah cannot even get Satan to move in five years how is he going to throw him into an abyss for one thousand years in a matter of minutes at armageddon??? Don't you think Satan would fight a lot harder to keep that from happening? I mean getting thrown to earth is like playing in a sandbox for Satan, but locked in an abyss?? I think he might put up a bigger fight. Now has Jesus been working out for the last 100 years and is all buff now and can kick some of Satan's butt? or is just some more JW bullshxt theoelogy that does not add up?
Grits - that wouldn't surprise me in the least but that would also be a lie and we know who the father of the lie is RF- That's a good question BM - interesting analogy or assumption I was thinking along the lines of John the baptist who never really became a christian although he prophesied about the messiah.