Succinctly and accurately put!
: So let me get this straight, Jehovah and Jesus were so unaware that they had to actually take TIME to JUDGE the various Churches of Christendom? They didn't KNOW which church was fulfilling His will? Funny, I thought Omniscience was one of the divine characteristics, silly me.
You know, that one even bothered me when I was a loyal, braindead dub. Of course, the Bible gives us abundant evidence God wasn't Omniscient. He had to call out for Adam in Eden. He couldn't find him? He decided to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, but wasn't quite sure how many righteous people he would be destroying, so he allowed a census to be taken. There's more.
: Five years to kick out Satan? So much for being an Omnipotent God.
Right. And if it takes him five years to battle one of his creations, it's obvious he's incapable of making a being more powerful than himself. The latter argument alone, makes the whole notion of omnipotence impossible.
: THIS is why I never want to be associated with the JW's, they have a WEAK GOD!
Uh, you forgot jealous, vindictive, murderous, impatient, genocidal, unforgiving, arbitrary, capricious, and and only son-murderer, not to mention a god who likes blood more than the humans who need it to live.