Man, I've been Crook!

by Stephanus 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Stephanus

    (That's sick, in Australian slang)

    On the night of the second I decided to go to bed without the heater for the first time (it's the tail end of Winter here). At midnight I woke up, shivering of extreme cold, even though I had a reasonable pile of blankets on. I had to turn the heater back on and crank the thermostat up. I assumed I had a fever, so I took some paracetemol and went back to bed. Tossing and turning all night, aches and pains, alternating between icy cold and boiling hot, babbling, hallucinating - it was not a fun night. It was the same for most of the day - there was no way I could take the boys to school. I had the doctor around who basically said "There's a lot of it going around" and told me to keep up the paracetemol and aspirin (alternating between the two) and keep up the fluids. By the evening I was a little better, but wasn't able to keep the dinner appointment we had. My wife still went out and Mum still came over to babysit (me - as well as the boys ). I was a little better this morning and was able to post a little. I still had to sleep a few hours during the day (something I don't tend to do a lot). I'm still a little dizzy, but getting around.

    I hope I'll be back soon to be able to put some more KM Scans up soon! (Dmouse is keeping me well supplied!)

    Edited by - Stephanus on 4 September 2002 6:59:47

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire


    Join the club. Ive had a cough the past three days that is way down deep in my lungs and ive hardly slept in three nights. Totally psychotic here. The doc has put me onto asthma medication to deal with it. he said its an especially virulent strain this year.

  • Stephanus

    You must have gotten the other half of the flu symptoms, RF - I was lucky in that I didn't get the classic coughy, phlegmy, wheezy symptoms - being asthmatic, it's a blessing that I just had the painful, hallucinatory stuff. What did he put you on?

  • Been there
    Been there

    Sorry to hear you two are feeling (down under) the weather.

    Hope you start feeling much better soon.

    Steph, too ill to scan the KM. Could Jehovah be telling you something?

    Take care.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Ventalin. Full on Asthma puff spray. sheesh. Im wheezing like an old man, every time I breathe out my chest rattles and when I cough I feel like my heads gonna burst a blood vessel.

  • Stephanus

    Steph, too ill to scan the KM. Could Jehovah be telling you something?

    LOL Nope, it's Dmouse doing the scanning - I just have to spend a few minutes fiddling with my website to get them up. I need to spend a few minutes more, apparently - I noticed the page title is "Untitled Document" - I'm not usually that sloppy!

    I should be able to do the next installment in a day or two - in keeping with the timetable - if Jehovah's telling me something, then it's to take a rest!

  • Stephanus

    Perhaps he should have you on a preventative too, RF - too much Ventolin is no good for you (plus it's weak as piss!).

  • ugg

    drink herbal tea's with some brandy or whiskey,,,,real strong!!!!! it definately helps....want you both

    to get well....hang in there....sending get well hugs....

  • ozziepost


    Sounds like you've been "spiking". Not much fun, is it?!

    Glad you're regaining your posting power. We'll have you back out of retirement soon!!

    Say g'day to the missus.

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • Duncan


    I hope you feel better soon, matey-boy.


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