(That's sick, in Australian slang)
On the night of the second I decided to go to bed without the heater for the first time (it's the tail end of Winter here). At midnight I woke up, shivering of extreme cold, even though I had a reasonable pile of blankets on. I had to turn the heater back on and crank the thermostat up. I assumed I had a fever, so I took some paracetemol and went back to bed. Tossing and turning all night, aches and pains, alternating between icy cold and boiling hot, babbling, hallucinating - it was not a fun night. It was the same for most of the day - there was no way I could take the boys to school. I had the doctor around who basically said "There's a lot of it going around" and told me to keep up the paracetemol and aspirin (alternating between the two) and keep up the fluids. By the evening I was a little better, but wasn't able to keep the dinner appointment we had. My wife still went out and Mum still came over to babysit (me - as well as the boys ). I was a little better this morning and was able to post a little. I still had to sleep a few hours during the day (something I don't tend to do a lot). I'm still a little dizzy, but getting around.
I hope I'll be back soon to be able to put some more KM Scans up soon! (Dmouse is keeping me well supplied!)
Edited by - Stephanus on 4 September 2002 6:59:47