Man, I've been Crook!

by Stephanus 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • PopeOfEruke

    Hi Stephanus

    one word came into my head when I read your Email, no, not 'flu.

    Demimz ...........


  • Beck_Melbourne

    Big Tex

    I really liked this:

    another version:

    Gidday Cobber! Taking another sickie you bludger? Well, you look (spunky is a bit much LOL) hard case to me (love Groucho). Ah well, you're not a raw shrimp, so you know what I'm doing. Well, I'm off to the Bog to take a dump. See you in the soup. Hoo Roo Kangaroo!!


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    I bow to the wisdom of the Land Down Under.

  • Stephanus

    Is it just me, or is there something weird about a Texan and a Kiwi trying to do Aussie slang? Beck, you should know better - it's "Don't come the raw prawn!"

    I even allocated an award of that name on one of my webpages:

    (It was always one bloke, a NZer who won it! LOL)

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Right!!! LOL I'll stick to the haka then *goes back in the corner*


  • Stephanus
    I'll stick to the haka then

    I imagine you'd be pretty good at that - downright scary, in fact!!

  • Beck_Melbourne
    I imagine you'd be pretty good at that - downright scary, in fact!!

    I'm scary even when I'm calm!!

    Actually, only the men are officially allowed to do the Haka, the women swing the poi and dance seductively with swaying hips and swooshing skirts The enlarged eyes is as intimidating as they get LOL.

    Next time you are in Melbourne, let me know, I'll take you and yours to a haka performance. It'll raise the hair on the back of your neck...and don't try and tell me you DON'T have hair on the back of your neck woolly guy LOL.


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