Policy schmolicy. I was DA'd by my PO and his sidekick. No committee, no letter written by me.
Has there been a policy change?
by Mulan 44 Replies latest jw friends
I just email my ex with the link the the jw site saying those who simply leave are not shunned. She said I simply did not leave, I went to the elders and told them I didn't want to be a witness anymore. I said thats what it takes to leave, so thats what I did. I haven't committed any sin to be disfellowshiped, just simply left the faith. She said I look at apostate literature, so Thats why I am shunned. Not everyone knows that, but they still shun me. Just another example of CLOSED MINDED FOOLS!
Don't you just love the way the WT makes being an active JW the only way to be a christian??
They say that if you disassociate yourself you renounce being a TRUE christian , because you renounce the way of the truth!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gosh,,,,,,,, I better run back and be a JW , since they have it from God Himself,,,,,,,,, they are the only true christians!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They make me sick........... I wonder why they don't go door to door and tell all the householders that they( the householder) are not christians,,,,,,,,,,,,,, they might get more than a door slammed in their faces!!!!!! I mean I know in a round about way the JW's elavate themselves as christians above others,,,,,,,, and use their wording just so, so as to not offend ,,,,,,,,,,,,, just wish they would come right out and say what they really mean............
nancee park
They do not have to "officially" shun/disfellowship to in fact do so. That's what's happening. This way they dodge some of the bad press this stuff by them causes -- or so they have hoped. The process is not called "disfellowshipping" you but "expelling" you.
If you read non-Watchtower literature against them, have oral sex with your spouse, etc, you are subject to being expelled from "Jehovah's Kingdom" as they deem themselves, or what we all now know is really the "pedophile's paradise."
The old boys are doing their best to cause themselves the most trouble. What knuckleheads! What boneheads! Jarasc, you are the jerkiest.
Hey, Mulan, like your new photo!
Thanks Isp, for the article.
We can be DA'd for anything they wish.......the "by his actions" is the code word. Speaking and association are considered actions. As Martin said "Just by posting here, we're all da'd." Well, paraphrasing, but it was a good point, Martin.
Any literature against the WT in our house? Christmas wreath or god-forbid tree in our house? Pumpkin with carvings on it? Suspicious music? Anyone see the history on our own computers? Check our emails for us? on and on and on and on.
Unless we have something against them first (blackmail style) - they can do what they want. They don't have to announce it....where is that written? Just have "those in the know" spread the word. Btw, they can always announce it later if someone actually says something.
Lord, jw's love to gossip about others - and are really encouraged to do so if it's a former member or worldly person. The former member is dead to them....so why not?
I think they do it to build the reputation of the jw's up. In order to do that, they must tear others down.
Sorry for the difficulties in your family, Mulan. You've been outspoken about your family member who was df'd, and later died of cancer. Perhaps someone read about it who was more concerned with the letter of the law, than the feelings and actions involved with other humans? Sounds like a jw.
Or someone noticed your foxy new picture
It's just like I remarked in another post somewhere else.
They print one thing.
They say another.
Each congregation determines the how to apply the "rules", and that congregation is subjected to that concept.
Each person is "told" it's up to their conscience; but then threatened with df'g if they veer off course.
If the truth is really the truth. The truth would be easy to understand and clear as crystal. It isn't and that is what is so very frustrating, not only to the ones "out", but to family and friends still "in".
There is no consistency and no logic. There is no love. They are trying to apply guidelines given to a society centuries ago, that stopped being applied when Jesus came, and which much of that dogma doesn't even apply today. The most important thing that Jesus taught as law, was love.
And, the most mindbogling thing to me is that all of this conditioning on treatment of da'd or df'd parties is so much more important than cleaning out the pedofiles, sex abusers, and wife beaters--and who knows what else they keep hidden.
I probably am gonna get some people po'd at me for asking this, and this is not intended to start any flame war.......but my question is.........
If you don't believe anymore, you don't go to meetings, don't go door to door, don't read their literature, you have pretty much renounced your relationship w/the dubs all together, then what difference does it make whether or not they da you?
I can understand the upset if a person still wanted to be a dub. You don't want to be one but you don't want them to "kick you out"........(this was NOT directed directly at you Mulan )
Enlighten me..........
Edited by - scootergirl on 4 September 2002 21:10:20