To Amazing and Others re Iraq

by Defender 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • Crazy151drinker

    Agreed Freedom.


    I would love to give CHEV some kisses but she is busy watching some er 'films' I sent her.....

  • ApagaLaLuz

    I usually keep my 2 cents out of these type of discussions, since I still support the JW belief of not taking sides in governmental affairs. I guess you can say I'm a fence sitter regarding foreign affairs.

    I think the United States has invested too much time and money in to playing "We police the world."

    But on the flip side, I think their actions in WWII were warranted. My Grandmother died in the Holocaust, and I've spent an extended amount of time researching it. And you're right 151. Hitler was a great figure head, speaker, and demi-god. But his military skills were indeed lacking.

    I tend to not be a very patriotic. And while I am deeply sympathetic to the victims of 9/11, I believe the United States, and our arrogance brought this upon ourselves....

    But anyway, the point that caught my attention was the mention of chemicals used during Vietnam. My dad spent a total of 3 years there. During that time he was exposed to "Agent Orange." I'm not really sure what the function of the chemical was, but I know it destroyed the skin on his arms, in his later years. He was involved in a quiet class-action suit against the US.

    Basically, the President and Congress, couldn't care less whether those in the military live or die.Or stay in good mental health after returning from war.

    Every day hundreds of innocent people in the mid east are killed, bombed. But it never makes such an impact as just a few Americans.

    Our self-righteousness and cockiness is truely sickning.....

    (I know, I opened a can of worms. Let teh trash talking begin)

    edited to correct punctual errors. I was in such a hurry.

    and I know Agent Orange was also supposed to cause sterility in men. Well my dad had me at 54, and got my mom pregnant again 9 years later. So obviously it didn't effect that part of him

    Edited by - CHEVYSNTATS on 6 September 2002 18:35:39

  • RandomTask

    Oh man crazy, did you hear what she just said. I sense trouble in paradise

  • Crazy151drinker


    Yeah, shes in trouble, but I guess I will let her make up for it tonight.......


    Agent Orange was a defoiliant sprayed over Vietnam to kill all the leaves on the plants so the U.S. could see the NVA/Vietcong. It also caused cancer and alot of other no-no's. It is not a Chemical Weapon and was used as a chemical tool. Never the less it was nasty stuff and many people have suffered from its side-effects.

    And CHEV, remember that in-action in itself, is an action. Granted, we cant police the world all by ourselves, but since the Soviets fell apart, no-one else is steping up to the plate.

  • Dawn

    What I find interesting is that the God of the old testament was quite active in war. He sent out his army (Isrealites) on numerous occasions and made it quite clear that it was HE who was winning the wars and was in charge.

    So....along comes the new testament and all of a sudden war is bad. Jesus & God are "one" (John 1:1) and so think as one, etc why would Jesus have a different opinion of war than God??

    Regardless.....I hate war but there are definately times when it must be done. However, I don't know about a "pre-emptive" strike against Saddam - I also would like to see some evidence first. I really don't want to send our boys into war without knowing for sure.

  • Crazy151drinker


    For Sure that he is Developing them? Or that he HAS them. If its the later, its to late and we are F-d. As for as Developing them, he's been doing that since the 80's. He has come close twice to getting them. The first time the Isrealies bombed his stash, and the second time we did. Take HIM OUT NOW!!!!

  • ApagaLaLuz

    P.S. 151..... when was the time someone messed with Switzerland huh?

    And boy did they get rich holding all that money for the Nazis

  • RandomTask
    P.S. 151..... when was the time someone messed with Switzerland huh?

    Damn Swiss Army Knives! Why, we have no chance against an army outfitted with those! Its more of a deterrent than the H-Bomb

    Edited by - RandomTask on 6 September 2002 18:43:3

  • Crazy151drinker


    The Swiss dont have Jack Sh*t except Chocolate!!! And yes, they got rich transporting the teeth fillings of dead Jews.

    Seriousy CHEV, the Swiss have nothing that anyone wants.

  • RandomTask

    Damn CHEVY, you sound like the lead singer in a SoCal punk band....


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