Last thought on Iraq

by freedom96 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • bigboi

    George Bush sucks. He's tryna squeeze Sept. 11 for eveything he possibly can. If he wants to go after somebody, why not the Saudi Arabians? Hell, 11 of the 19 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia! Plus we already have bases and troops there that could be used for a military takeover.

  • Pathofthorns

    ... and would you shoot through a crowd of innocent people to kill this "mugger"?

    Your analogy is so full of holes and over-simplifications and a more accurate one would truly reveal the complexities and difficulties involved.

    Maybe you should travel more to other parts of the world. See the families and their children for what they are and not the faceless "collateral damage" they will become. Realize that terrorism is the only way these countries can attack America and that terrorism is not stopped by the death of one man and his supporters but is inspired by these martyrs.

    Why is America seemingly singled out by these terrorists? America needs to change the way the world perceives it and only then will it will it be safer. It is just not feasible or reasonable to imagine you can kill everyone that hates you.


  • hillary_step

    This analogy is flawed to say the least. The reality is that the vast majority of those who wish Saddam removed from the planet are not the ones doing the removing, but are content to have others do their fighting for them. The argument would hold more water if it was delivered by field telephone from the front line!


  • Wren

    Freedom96, I've been thinking about your thoughts expressed in the last paragraph, a lot this last week.

    Edited by - wren on 7 September 2002 21:47:28

  • seawolf
    George Bush sucks. He's tryna squeeze Sept. 11 for eveything he possibly can.

    ya think ?

    Edit. whoops I just wanted the link there and not the picture.

    Edit2: I'm not 1337 enough I guess.

    Edited by - seawolf on 7 September 2002 17:51:22

    Edited by - seawolf on 7 September 2002 17:52:36

  • ISP

    I thought there was more justification last time...when saddam invaded Kuwait.


  • expatbrit
    America needs to change the way the world perceives it and only then will it will it be safer.

    The rest of the world perceives America quite accurately.

    The despots of the Middle East and elsewhere perceive that America is by far the most powerful force for individual freedom. They perceive that America is willing to take action to prevent the loss of that individual freedom, both by their own citizens and the citizens of countries that the despots would like to control. They perceive that the spread of "American" ideals such as individual freedom, market freedom, and democratic freedom means the end of their despotic and absolute rule. They perceive that if their own people get a taste of these freedoms and the prosperity that comes from them, they will want more.They perceive that it will mean the end of their absolute control of those people and their dreams of conquest of more people.

    The Eurocrats perceive that America has absolutely replaced them as the most powerful global centre. They perceive that American military action will once again highlight how irrelevant Europe has become on the world scene. They perceive the impotence of Europe compared to America because they are not willing to give up Socialist ideals that give them power, but shackle the European economy and thus it's military and technology. They perceive that their only way of gaining influence in world events is to hamstring America.

    America could alter the way the world perceives it. It could give up its support of the above mentioned freedoms. It could withdraw into its own borders and let the rest of the world stew in its own messes. Or it could become more like those Middle Eastern despots. Would you really want it to?

    Maybe you should travel more to other parts of the world. See the families and their children for what they are and not the faceless "collateral damage" they will become.

    Yes, maybe you should. See those families and children for what they are. Starving. Disease ridden. Trapped in vicious poverty caused by despots like Saddam Hussein and allowed to continue by mewling Eurocrats. On a trip to the Middle East, I stepped out of my luxury hotel frequented by wealthy Sheiks and indolent European tourists and strolled a few hundred yards into the real world. There was a woman sitting in a pile of rags. Half her leg was gone and the oozing stump was crawling with flies. Could I say to her that the West should do nothing to remove the tyrants that caused her poverty and misery and would rather she stayed that way? She and all the other suffering people of those countries are not the possible "collateral damage" of the future, they are the "collateral damage" of now. Some of them will die in an American attack. Many more of them will die in misery and poverty if the status quo is maintained and despots are tolerated and appeased.


  • teejay

    Very cool pic, Seawolf. I agree with its sentiments.

    One question: When (exactly) do you think it was stamped "expired"? Iow, when did you first come to think that Bush was going too far?

  • searchfothetruth

    I really don't agree with what the US and Britain are planning

    This is just another part of the plan to force American policy on the world and Blair is going along for the ride, without the backing of the people I might add.

    The Americans used Sept 11th as an excuse to invade Afganistan so they could build the oil pipeline that the Taliban refused to let them go through their country. American officials told them ' Take this carpet of gold or face a carpet of bombs' exactly what happened.

    If you went up to someone in the street and punched him in the face and when asked why told the police it was because you thought they were going to hit you, you would be charged with assault! How can government act like that and get away with it??

    There is NO evidence that Iraq offers any real or present danger to any of the western countries that are threatening to destroy it.

    Is there any justification for bombing innocent people??? And don't forget that over 1 million children have died in Iraq since sanctions were imposed after the last gulf war.

    And why is someone who flies a plane into a building rightfully called a terrorist and someone who carpet bombs innocent people under the flag of a sovreign country not???

  • ISP

    Hi Search!

    I think it would be better to enforce the weapons inspection programme via the UN etc. Saddam knows if he steps out of line he is dogmeat. I think he has to step out of line before 'Hell' is unleashed.


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