Last thought on Iraq

by freedom96 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • searchfothetruth

    A weapons inspector was interviewed a few weeks ago and he said that although Iraq were being stubborn and obstuctive, they collected NO evidence that Saddam has been able to rearm himself and definately NO evidence that he has weapons of mass destruction that the west fears so much.

    American policy is the cause of the retaliation that people hit by sanctions, etc feel the need to fight back.

    You cannot fight for peace you have to peace for peace!

  • ISP

    Well, I wouldn't like to provoke a wider conflict. I am sure Saddam will use whatever he has on Israel. It could all get very messy.


  • searchfothetruth

    Iraq knows that it can't attack isral with mass destruction weapons because it would gain the wrath of the arab neighbors.

    How many arabs would get killed in an attack on Israel??

    The US wants to tie up the worlds reserves of oil and they are taking it by force.

    You can never win the war on terror untill you stop people having hatred for other people and that cannot happen. If america forces its policies on other countries people then some will fight back. Look at Palastine. Israel has had Americas backing and they become just as much of an enemy of palastinian's as Israel

  • animal

    Lets see if I have this right....

    The attacks on the USA were the fault of the USA, since we force our ways on other countries. And, we shouldnt take any preventative action based on that fact. Am I correct, or did I miss something?


  • teejay
    The rest of the world perceives America quite accurately.

    You make excellent points, Expat, but I don't totally agree with this quote. Imo, it tells only half of the story.

    Obviously, America serves to protect the ideal of individual freedom -- not just for its own citizens but for people living everywhere. It has even used its superior military power for actual good. For freedom-loving people--even those outside of American soil--this has been a good thing.

    As it is with a literal sword, though, that military power and commercial might has been shown to have a double edge, and it's that second edge--the one that shows America's backing of its friends (like Israel)--that troubles many of those who live under the rule of the "despots" you mention.

    It's these people, the individuals and families that have long lived under the thumb of Western-backed despots of their own (like Israel), that have grown far past 'weary' of waiting for help from American political leaders to come to their aid. Palestinians have lived under stark poverty and oppression for more than fifty years, with little end in sight. U.S. aid has made possible much (if not ALL) of this oppression by sending upwards of $5 billion in aid to Israel each year. Israel has in turn used these funds to build a military arsenal rivaling, in quality, that of even the U.S. Israel has taken full advantage of its superior military and economic position by acting in ways that have been as every bit as evil and barbaric as those of "despots."

    It's a very complicated mess... is what it is, but I fully believe that to solve it American leaders are going to have to take a serious look in the mirror. They will have to humbly see, not only what their supposed GOALS are but how they have gone (and continue to go) about reaching those goals, to the detriment of an entire culture that seems to have reached its limit.

    America is not without fault.

  • searchfothetruth

    What is preventative action?

    Bombing innocent people is only going to create more people who want to hurt America.

    The US and Britain went into Afganistan and killed over 5,000 people with bombs and guns and yet the 15 people that they went in for got away. American policy in the middle east antagonises people.

    Why does the US and Britain feel the need to police the world? Sept 11th attacks were carried out by people from Saudi Arabia, Algeria etc. Not one of them was from afganistan. I just feel that diplomatic solutions should be used, not starting a war just in case someone might attack us. What sort of precident would that set. Any country with a beef with another i.e. China and Taiwan for example could attack first and then say that it was in case they attacked them! crazy

  • searchfothetruth

    Did you know that George W Bush's business partner in Saudi is Osama Bin Ladens brother?

    He was in New York on the day of the attacks but was able to fly out that evening unchallenged.

  • animal

    Then the USA should wait and do nothing... true? I am trying for an answer here, not more rhetoric. Having been born here, I know much of our history already.


  • searchfothetruth

    American History !

    Going to war in Vietnam to control the opium trade.

    Backing Israel in the 70's which alienated the entire arab world.

    Selling guns to the Iran-Contra's in exchange for more drugs.

    etc etc etc

  • bigboi

    Hey Animal,

    The attacks on the USA were the fault of the USA, since we force our ways on other countries. And, we shouldnt take any preventative action based on that fact. Am I correct, or did I miss something?

    Nah, i don't believe that the attacks on the USA are our fault. IMO, there is nothing a country or government can do to justify attacks on it's innocent civilians. However, to try to use the actions of one rogue group of individuals or any one organization to overthrow the leader of a sovereign state is a bit of a stretch. Sadaam Hussein is no angel, yet no one has given any substantive reason that he had anything to do with any recent attack on the US and it's allies or that he was involved in any way in the Sept 11 tragedy. Thankfully there are protocols in foriegn relations. No nation has the right to take up arms against another based on the reputation or the supposed future actions of it's leadership. That type of action in no way resembles democracy, but rather desperate, mercantilist imperialism.



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