For music lovers everywhere.
Don't buy CD's from supermarkets.Please.Thats an order!
There just been a report in Britian that supermarkets are increasing their share of the recorded music market by selling cheap CD's.
Why is this bad news?Surly if you can get a CD from Tescos for a tenner instead of 15 quid this is good?NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
I say that again , No.
Lets look at it.Supermarkets can sell CD's and other items cheap because they make a profit on the other goods you buy.They use the offer of Cheap CD's to entice you into their store.They only sell chart CD's otherwise they will make a loss on more obscure music which won't sell in bulk.
If you love music and wish to buy music or listen to good new music in the years to come, you are shooting yourself in the foot if you buy your music from supermarkets at a lower is a FALSE ecomony.This is why.When you hear a piece of music you like in a few years time which is not chart music and go to you local independant or specialist music store you will see a big sign on the door ,CLOSED.They will have shut down because lack of sales when all their customers went to the cheapo market ment they could no longer survive.
They had to charge more for music becauseA.It was the only thing they sellB.They stocked all types of music and would not make money on some bands and would make up for it with more popular bands.CThey could get the music you wanted on special order if they didn't have what you were looking forD.they had knowledge of music and bands which was readily available to you if needed.And a good few other things.
You are not saving anything if you buy cheap.If you like music you need to support the peole who want to supply it,and offer quality, which in the case of music includes choice, not just marketed corporate crap, not those in it for a quick buck.They need to charge more but have a far greater range of product, one which a supermarket will never have,ever.
You have been warned.