Among hetro-men, I find that very few will admit that another guy is good looking. That is how afraid they are of the gay issue.
That's such a dumb thing. I'm hetero and have never had sexual feelings towards men, but, it is no big mystery to me why women go crazy for guys like Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise. They are beautiful men!
You never see handsome studs hanging out with pimple-faced nerds, do you? Good-looking guys hang with other good-looking guys, so they obviously know how to judge whether another guy is good-looking or not!
I can't help but think that there's something genetically missing that gives them the tendency to be sexually attracted to the same sex.
They do look like a gay couple but we love them.
'They're' not freaking lepers. I never understood what is to accept, or why it is a greater act to love someone with a different sexual preference to myself than someone of the same sexual preference. Or why there's automatically something missing genetically and not, at worst, just something genetically different. I say at worst 'cause I dread the day idiots try to manipulate any such information to try and change the sexuality of a person. It's just another difference. Another thing to add to the unique structure of a person.
How would you react if doctors come up with a test that could determine if your son would turn out to be gay when he grows up? How would you react?
For me it would be no different than learning that my child will have blue eyes. Many times I hope that my child will be gay for the sheer fact that I would be nothing but overjoyed that they can be true to who they are and fully 'accepted'. Although there's nothing to accept. It's just another part of the wonderful person they would be (hopefully ). My only disappointment would be with society and the knowledge that ignorant people will judge and hurt my child for his private sexual choices.
I didn't mean to imply that they were lepers. To us they are not lepers. They are our grandchildren first and foremost. We accept them for who they are no matter who they are. I don't love my straight grandchildren any less than I do my homosexual grandchildren. I love them all the same. I think you missed the full context of my quote. I am restoring it here:
I have two step granddaughters that are gay. We love them as we love all of our grandchildren. How they got that way is immaterial. They just are. So we just accept them and their partners. Life is too short for them to be miserable (and us too).
This means that we accept them for who they, regardless of sexual orientation. I don't care how they got that way. The important thing is to never quit loving them.
If there were a test, it wouldn't bother me a bit, because we wouldn't change a thing. Do we treat them all differently? Yes, because they are all different. Our lesbian granddaughter was my husband's best man at our wedding ceremony. Her sisters had other roles in the ceremony. We have taken her to the gay pride parade. Her heterosexual sisters didn't want to go. We took one of her sisters for a makeover for her 16th birthday. Her lesbian sister could care less. We love the diversity that all of our grandchildren add to our lives. I don't know how I can make this any plainer. Gay, bi, straight, queer, it makes no difference in the love we show, but it does make them all unique individuals who are all treated as individuals.
Homo, hetro, or bi really doesn't matter to me. I have some gay friends and they are some really interesting people (funny too). I simply try not to judge a book by its cover and let everyone be people.
If science could determine if my un-born childs sexual preference, would I want to know? No, I don't think so. I would rather let my child grow up and determine that for them self and I would just figure it out sooner or later.
My question is why is it that most of American society will watch 2 women having sex and not 2 men? Not that I personally want to watch 2 men, I just don't know the answer to the question. This is just one of the strange statistics that I have been gathering for many years (Don't mind me, I am just weird).
I think that part of this answer is that American society has accepted the female body as beauty while the male body gets a beer gut.
Swan...I know...sorry...i get a little overly emotional about this subject. There was no need to defend your position. I'm sorry I made you do so. The last thing I want is for you to have to defend your love for your grandchildren gay or straight. It just sometimes feels like even those who are accepting seem to want a pat on the back for BEING accepting (noone here, just in past experiences) and I just don't understand the thought process behind that. I was a little over sensitive and nit picky with what was being said. I appologize for implying that those I quoted are like this. I was quoting to explain my own personal...angry curiosities i suppose?
I would rather let my child grow up and determine that for them self
I never thought of this. I wouldn't want to grow up with a label already slapped on my forehead. So yeah...although I wouldn't mind knowing or not knowing it would be wrong to tell the child whatsexual orientation they are predicted and expected to become.
It can be a very emotional subject. I would also rather not know, but if I were to be told, I agree with larc about just keeping it to myself and to let the child figure it out. Come to think of it, we rather suspected that our one grandaughter was gay long before she told anyone. We just let her figure it out for herself. Gave her a lot of love and reassurance in the meantime. It seems to work out best that way.
All in all, I think people here have tended to respond very well to the subject. There are always falacies and misconceptions involved, but for a bunch of people who were force fed anti-gay rhetoric from the WT for years, I think they are doing surprisingly well. Let's not forget that it was the WTBTS who banned oral and anal sex within marital relations because they were too close to gay sex for their homophobic little GB minds. And disco music was out too because gay people first started it. The WTBTS was and is incredibly homophobic, so the fact that these people here are willing to love and accept their gay children is pretty significant. When faced with the actual situation, I find that most parents get educated on the subject very quickly.
My question is why is it that most of American society will watch 2 women having sex and not 2 men? Not that I personally want to watch 2 men, I just don't know the answer to the question. This is just one of the strange statistics that I have been gathering for many years (Don't mind me, I am just weird).
It's all in the social conditioning along with men being visually wired brainwise. Now, bring up the topic of female bisexuality and you get the men here drooling and the thread goes up in flames with giddy eagerness. Male besexuality is another story altogether. Such a topic is considered disgusting and obscene. Not a subject to be discussed seriously. Rather, it's one to poke fun at, or to loudly declare ones revulsion, that such a topic can even be thought of.
Even Maximumflash felt it necessary to add this disclaimer in his post:
Not that I personally want to watch 2 men,
I have worked with and known many gay men. All have expressed that they knew when they were very young that they were "different" from other boys. Many tried to supressed it and even hoped that their attraction to males would somehow evaporate if they dated females. Of course, this tactic failed miserably.
I have found gay men to be pretty much like the rest of the population. Many very nice and caring people. And a few jerks.
A homosexual is not interested sexually in the opposite gender - period. I also state again that I think that bi-sexual people are the reason alot of people think that homosexuals can 'choose'. It just isn't so.
I fully agree with you Mimilly!! And when people read scientific magazines they'll find out that its in the genes, same as red hair, down sydrome, diabetics, etc.etc.
They simply cannot choose, as they are born that way. No one wakes up in the morning and thinks: hey, from today I wanna be gay!
Life is far from easy for them, it takes about 4-5 years for them to accept it.Most of them try the opposite sex when they are still in the denial phase. But for me it wouldnt make a difference, I would still love my child. To MHO love is unconditional, not linked to a sexual preference!