I always roar with laughter whenever anything "gay" comes up for discussion. There are those who know gay people and understand that it's not a choice. Many on this list have observed that. Yet, there are also the numerable people who don't know any gay people personally and hold on to the old "choice" theory. These are either, IMO, people who are still JWs at heart, are part of some other fundie organization, or Republicans! Sorry, Log Cabin Rebublicans, if any, who may be reading this posting.
Bear in mind, that sexual activity does not equate with sexual orientation. I've known many ex-JWs who tried to "play it straight" only to ultimately leave the JWs and embrace their own sexuality. Also, if someone leaves gay sexual activity, it does not make them straight. It's who they are sexually attracted to that defines their orientation. Think for a moment: Before one is sexually active, if they are attracted to persons of the opposite sex, does that mean that they are not straight merely because they haven't had sex? The same thing applies for being gay: Merely not having had sex with someone of their own sex does not mean that they are not gay. The question is, who are they attracted to? Whether they act on it or not is an entirely separate matter. Ask any man who's gone through ex-gay "reparative therapy" and he will usually dodge the question regarding whether or not he is sexually attracted to men. His response to the question of whether or not he's arroused by men is frequently "I have a wonderful sex life with my wife", but, will never answer the question regarding interest in men. A lie detector test would expose him.
A few years ago the fundies had a poster child, John Paulk, who was an "ex-gay". He was found at a gay bar in the DuPont Circle area [very, very gay] of Washington D.C. BTW, his wife [who also had gone through reparative therapy] appeared to be among the butchest of Lesbians, IMO. See http://www.advocate.com/html/stories/825/825_paulk.asp
I've spoken with many gay men who've had straight girlfriends and/or marriages. When sked how they could perform sexually, the response [unless they were bi-sexual --- and based on my experience there are very few men who fit within this category, can't speak about the women] is that they sexually fantacized about men. A straight man would not do that.
As for me, I never had any sexual experience as a child or young adult, had a father present at home who took interest in me [i.e., not the JW stereotypical background that says causes one to be gay] yet always was attracted to those of my own sex. Life as a JW was one pure Hell. Once I accepted myself for being who I was and left the JWs, life became so much sweeter.
John W Wirtanen
Edited by - jwinsf on 8 September 2002 7:17:25
Edited by - jwinsf on 8 September 2002 7:18:58
Edited by - jwinsf on 8 September 2002 7:20:1