Open Letter to the Board

by searcher 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • Flip

    One point you may have overlooked searcher, is to remember that anyone who s spent a fair amount of time as an indoctrinated Jehovahs Witness, as you ll find here, is they ll give the appearance that rejection tends to roll off their backs like water on duck feathers.

    And sometimes it can be difficult for them to recognize when the appearence of rejection is negitively affecting someone else.

    People who haven t had the experience of being a Jehovahs Witnesses generally have a hard time understanding or competing with that kind of behavior.

    So hang in there buddy and cut us some slack.

    Sorry I missed your last post searcher. If you haven ' t already done so, ignore my last crack about cutting us some slack.

    Thoughtful thread by the way.

    Edited by - Flip on 8 September 2002 13:25:41

  • teejay

    What's up, Searcher?!!

    Hey, buddy, your rant was no worse or better than everybody else's. Rant whenever you want.

    Glad you decided to stick around. This is a good place with lots of good people.

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