LOL!@Ozzie's first reply!
I don't think I've been around long enough to really know the before-before, nor did I know the people who left.
It does seem to me I don't have to skip over as many threads (the ones that were angry, confrontational, or really obnoxious). Now that you bring it up, I don't recall seeing any like that lately, so I would have to say, Yes! I like knowing there is Peace, and Good Relations All Around permeating the air here! (Now I sound like a Flower Child.)
Moderators not a problem to me, never were, here or elsewhere.
All is Well in Gritsland.
PS: LOL AGAIN@Ozzie's reply below! Gritsland is about four USA states south of Graceland. LOL! (I reached my max of 30 posts in 24 hours, so I'm having to reply via the Edit feature. I hope this isn't against the rules? This is the 2nd time I've reached my max [30 posts] in a little over 3 months' time. Is that a bad sign?)
Edited by - Grits on 8 September 2002 12:21:29