Regarding JWD, could Acts 6:7 be having a MAJOR application?...."Consequently the word of God went on growing and the number of the disciples kept multiplying...very much." Thinking persons would have to acknowledge that especially since 2001 C.E., this Scripture has been fulfilled with the Greater Elijah, Simon, taking the lead in this all important life-saving work.....p.s. hugs to offense thought....
by minimus 64 Replies latest jw friends
Not too sure about the Scriptural application there, Minimus, although I am of course very happy that I can once again recommend this site to wavering dubs.
EMAN, since you are now on the service commitee , if I have any grave concerns I shall address it with you and Brother
I am now registered on both boards, this one and bboyneko's. I have seen some good topics and a lot of inanity on both boards, a lot of pointless pot-stirring. I really don't have much time for reading or posting these days, but when I do it's my desire to find topics worth reading and discussing, rather than a board filled with thread after thread of complaints and arguing over some perceived slight or the potential to be slighted.
I really don't have much time for reading or posting these days,
I know the feeling, Comf. It's called a mortgage.
You settled in OK?
Minimus: Moderators are NOT Elders! Hell, we don't even have a "Starr Chamber" on this site, so relax
Are you sure about that SYN???????? are you very very sure?????
Xena of the Paranoid Class
To me, this forum is like a big pot of stew. There are different "ingredients" (people) and different "spices" (personalities). If it's mixed together according to receipe, (reasonable expressions of agreement and discord) it tastes great. If someone has thrown in too much hot sauce or spices, (arguing, cursing, flaming) it's ot too appetizing.
Right now, I thing the stew tastes just great!
"soups on"
CC Ryder
I definately like it better now. I too miss some who have left, but hope to see them back soon. Tink and I really enjoy this forum very much.
These boards seem to go in cycles. There are periods of peace and quiet and then there are periods of serious discussion and sometimes unrest. I think anyone who thinks the presence of moderators will change the natural cycles of these boards is nieve. Moderators merely add another dimention.
I don't put significant weight to anything that takes place here, because whatever happens always passes and these places are constantly evolving. Disputes will be forgotten and periods of peace will inevitably evolve into times of "war" - whether moderators exist or not.
I did especially enjoy the place this website originally was, but we all change and new people join and so the atmosphere changes too. And while change is often uncomfortable sometimes there is no other choice but to live with it and make the best of it.