Anyone still bothered by the demons?

by wednesday 124 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dawn

    Hi Wednesday:

    The JW way of teaching and beliefs definately foster a sense of fear & paranoia about the spirit world. Being raised with that all of your life it is deeply ingrained. I personally have never experienced anything like what you explained (although I do suffer sleep paralysis a lot and was relieved to find out what it was). However - I was so scared of demons all my JW life - it was terrible. I have since come to a new understanding and theory about some of this so here's my two cents:

    Our mind is a VERY powerful tool - we have not even begun to tap into it's treasures and strengths. When Jesus said "whatever you ask of me, if you truly believe you have received it you will" - I believe he was hinting at this very subject. He knew the power that we have and do not yet know how to use. Take for example those soldiers during war time that were given a sugar pill, yet told it was pain killers. In many cases their pain left. And instances were individuals have been able to perform incredible acts of strength such as lifting cars - I even seen a video of a man who lifted a helicopter up to save a traped pilot - just incredible.

    So here's what I would suggest. Recognize that it could be two possibilities (1) demons - yea, I do believe they exist but am not convinced that they attack as prevelantly or the way as the JW's thought; or (2) you may be creating these with your mind. Not that you're crazy or schizo or anything like that - just that you may be able to tap into some of that power that we all have. And being raised a JW that power was molded to a very dark & scary form. So I would follow two courses of action at the same time. Talk to a counselor to work through what could be causing these (unresolved fears or feelings), and pray to Jesus about it. Pray to him and ask him to stop the attacks - to send an angel to stand by your side and protect you.

    The truth is - if it's demons, the Lord is stronger than they are and will come to your side to rescue you if you only ask for his help and, very importantly, ACCEPT his help. If it's not demons, and you are able to CONVINCE yourself that it won't occur again - you then have the power to stop it.

    I hope this helps - I encourage you to pray to God, or the Lord. I find it much easier now to pray to "Lord" rather than "Jehovah" because the name Jehovah just brings up too many bad feelings & memories. I'm bracing myself for all the food throwing from the non-believing heathens (ha ha ha) Just kidding - you know I love ya'all because we all have too much in common and we're all survivors.

  • PopeOfEruke


    *cream pie hits Dawn in the face*


  • Dawn
    Dawn least it was a cream pie and not a damn rotten tomatoe. I can lick off the cream pie

  • PopeOfEruke


    just 'cos I'm an apostate doesn't mean I'm an evil apostate.


  • Satanus

    The only stuff i'm bothered by, is in my own head, and it's getting less. I don't believe in wt type demons. If there are spirits, they are likely of dead people.

    Here are two urls that go into this type of viewpoint.

    This site isn't religious in any sense.


  • Introspection

    So what do they say?

    I'm serious, I mean even if they don't exist or exists in your mind or the spirit realm or whatever it doesn't matter much to me, I'm curious about the content of the conversation. I'd be like "Dude, what are you doing here? What the hell do you want?" Actually looking at the content might provide some insight. Try keeping a journal or something, and compare it with other things going on at the same time. Are they telling you to go back to meetings, or are they happy you are out, or what?

  • Beck_Melbourne

    The only demon that bother me is Andy's ex.

    She's ugly, greedy, selfish, ugly, mean, has no class and is really really ugly.


  • wednesday


    Thank you for your thoughtful reply. I brought this to this froum because we all have one thing in common-we were either raised in truth or came to the JW teachings at some point. So asking a queston about the demons in this forum did not seem like a crazy thing to do. I apreciate that some may be concerned about my health, but i didn't think i'd be given advice to see a psychiatrist just because i brought up subject of demons. I have only posted few times here, and in it i have sied i found this forum through silent lambs. I have also said i have been in therapy for 14 yrs. I have-it is true. So i know i am not crazy-distressed true-but not crazy. I think a great deal of the "demom atacks" ahve been the sleep paralysis-it is very real and frightining. However, some things i can not explain away that easy. i have co weorkers suggest i have a guardian angel-now that sounds crazy to me , but u would be surprised how many people believe in that. I'm of the belief that a spirit world does exist. And i think they do walk among us. I do for sure think Jw thiking has made some of the people i have known do th crazist things (like throw out everything in their house they had bought at garage sale becasue it might be possessed). I do try to avoid the occult because i do believe the demons exist. I don't thik JW are special targets fro them though. .

  • wednesday

    The content was about how much they hated jehovah and now i could understand how it feels to be kiked out. They very much wer trying to appeal to me as to feel sorry for them-sort of us being in the same boat thiiing. I said nothing to them-being terrifed as hell. That is it. Not one word from thme since.

  • Introspection

    Well good for them for venting, gotta let it out.. But you know, as far as I'm concerned none of that stuff really matters spiritually. I'm not sure where you're at with the whole belief thing as far as what you were taught as a witness, but you might recall there's the one scripture that says perfect love throws fear outside, or atleast that's how the NWT words it. But basically the idea is there. If you want to be free from fear, that certainly sounds like a good thing to look into doesn't it?

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