Anyone still bothered by the demons?

by wednesday 124 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dia

    Therapy can be wonderful. But the most important thing is that you have a therapist that you are really comfortable with. And one who is taking you seriously. Really listening. And really hearing you. (Not that anyone is perfect, but you get the idea. As long as you feel like you are moving and you are moving in a good direction, you will likely get to where you want to go.)

    It would seem from these posts that perhaps a lot of JWs suffer from sleep paralysis. An intelligent researcher might uncover a link between sleep paralysis and mental oppression or distortion or whatever the hell it is that JWs impose on their flock.

    The Victorian ladies also had unusual physical ailments - daytime paralysis and etc. It is said it was because the Victorian era was so sexually repressive. It might also have been because Freud was somehow 'tricked' into overlooking, ignoring and discarding the fact that the fathers of his era were sexually abusing their daughters.

    He came up with the Edipal (sp?) Complex instead.

  • ugg

    demons only act up if they are hungry,,,,,give them some pepperoni pizza with mushrooms, green peppers and xtra cheese...oh,,wait a minute,,,ok,
    my demon said to have extra sauce put on that also....

    hope this helps...ugg and friends (now that they are fed)

  • Larry

    I love these two responses:

    "The demons stopped bothering me when I stopped believing in them."

    "Never experienced anything paranormal in nature. Guess Satan figured he already had me, so why waste demons on me."

    IMHO - I don't believe in them, they are real only if you believe it's real. 'Black' magic, Demons and stuff only works on folks who believe it works.

    Peace - LL

  • og

    "The one place Gods [and demons?] indubitably exist is in human minds." - Alan Moore

  • rocky220

    I use to have a recurring dream, where these long green scaly arms with clawed hands would reach out of the dark and try to grab me, while i would scream for help in vain in a panic.........[gasp]......then i stopped eating pepperoni pizza before going to bed.....i never had demonic dream encounters again!!!!![whew] rocky220

  • TR
    I was going to suguest you just send them over to TRs. He was wanting some demons a while back. Don't know if he's still up to it.

    Yes indeed. BRING 'EM ON!


  • Vivamus

    TR, if you can handle the demonzzz, can we watch the T.V. together at late hours and then go to bed for you to chase the demonzzz away????

  • Liberty

    Hi Wednesday,

    I take your problem seriously because you were raised in a backwards looking religion which has never advanced past the age of superstition and magic. You need to free yourself from this controlling religious cult's world view by replacing its self serving Cosmology with one from the Age of Reason. The Watch Tower Society uses the fear of demons to control its followers, a control that is so powerful that it still works even after they stop actively associating. The truth is that the Watch Tower Society actually loves demons because they serve as a cost free secret police force that they can rely on to control and punish followers who dare to think for themselves.

    The real "demon" the Watch Tower hates and fears above all else is science. Think about all the anti-science brain washing a JW recieves and it becomes clear that this is the real key to breaking the Society's control over people's lives. Psychics, mystics, fortune tellers are actually allies of the Watch Tower all cooperating together to keep their followers in a state where these "experts" in superstition are "needed". If you want your attacks to end begin a program of study in the sciences. If you are near a University or Jr. College it will be worth every penny to your mental health to take classes there with an open mind so you can be introduced to mainstream Western thought based on reason, logic, and scientific method. If you can't afford classes or if they are too far away go to your library and read for free books on this subject you can study on your own. I recommend Carl Sagan as an introductory author in scientific thinking. His books are well writen and aimed at the nonscientist. After Sagan I would recommend Stephen J. Gould who details the principles of Evolution in a very understable way. Science is the key to wiping out superstition and dependance on religious mumbo jumbo. As you emerse yourself in this new way of looking at the Universe your fears and demons will fade away and the Watch Tower Society can be seen for the manipulating frauds that they are. Welcome to the 21st century.

  • DJ

    Hi Wednesday,

    I am sorry for all of the crap you just had to read. Some people here are content in their ignorance and find their bliss in it. Truth is they are living in a denial induced by the trauma of the the WT. They have rejected the false teachings of the watchtower as I have...but as a result they choose to simply dismiss everything they taught as totally wrong. I went through that phase too. I realized that I had a lot to learn and re-learn and didn't dare give advice or make light of someone else's pain. I think that when someone reads a thread and doesn't have anything worthwhile to contribute to someone who is hurting.....they ought to shut their big mouths and quit acting like they know it all. Grow the hell up!

    Wednesday.....please go here and read this. I posted this at a time when I realized that a majority of the folks here are big mouthed know it alls who really need some lessons in courtesy. I understand what your are dealing with and you can e-mail me anytime.

    People who are going thru stuff like you the only reason that I come here. I am sorry that as a newbie, you were treated with so much disrespect. luv, dj [email protected]

  • nancee park
    nancee park

    There are many anecdotes you can find by search on this discussion board telling of fanatics for the Watchtower Society using wiretapping and sound/noise project devices and also at Bethel sometimes a physical projection such as would explain what you are talking about.

    I recommend you get a camera and keep it handy. It will be difficult to keep it on hand but if you are able to take a picture this will be tangible proof that you are being harassed not by spirit beings or that you are too lacking in sleep, schizo etc, but that you are being harassed by cult fanatics seeking to discredit something they fear you may know about them (child molestation crimes by elders and the like), etc.

    [email protected]

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