Hubby has Cancer.........

by Golden Girl 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • DJ

    ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((GOLDEN GIRL)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    I am so sorry to hear this news. It breaks my heart. My dad has brain tumors. The doc's had him written off but he is alive and doing well one year later!

    I would strongly suggest a 2nd and 3rd opinion! Has anyone spoken to you about stereotactic radiosurgery?? IMRT??? This is a form of radiation treatment that is directly pinpointed to the cancer site. My dad has had wonderful success with this treatment. His chemo did not work and only made him sicker. The radiosurgery was what helped him. Try to ask questions about this. Even make an appt. at a top hospital with a Radiation Oncologist. Preferably a teaching Hospital.

    I cannot answer the KH question for you. I will not go with my dad. I am now a Christian and I have no use for KH's. I will pray for you and your husband for guidance spiritually and physically. So sorry. Hold your head up and be prepared to run off of adrenaline. Hug that hubby and don't let go. I am glad that he has you.

    (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) dj

  • MrMoe

    Golden Girl -- Baby, I am so very very sorry. If you ever EVER feel like talking please drop me a line, OK? Sending much love and many hugs your way...


  • termite 35
    termite 35

    (((golden girl))) sending you all my love and positive thoughts...what a dreadful situation to be in- your poor husband, I hope he can get some strength from you ,and that you have enough for him...

    Sometimes I forget just how far away from eachother we are; it would be so lovely to offer eachother more help when we need it.

    I too have lost my mother and others to cancer- but know of many sucess stories too- in fact I have two friends who have been lucky for 15 years, despite negative prognoses-miracles do happen.

    email anytime [email protected]

    and remember that we're all here with you,and that someone will be here anytime day or night if you need a shoulder.

    I can't begin to tell you how sorry I feel for your husband, and you.I think I would probably go to the KH if someone I loved very much wanted me to; I did a lot of things that my mother wanted me to do regarding her religion etc- it felt like the right thing to do- you'll know whether you can cope with it.

    All my love to you both XXXXtermite

  • LDH


    I'm no authority on cancer and I'd look like a fool trying to be.

    I just wanted to say (((((((((((((((((to both of you))))))))))))))).


  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    I am so happy to see so many responses to my post! I have bookmarked all the recommended sites and hubby is interested in the "Alternative" meds. His cancer started in his lung and spread to his liver!..They say it is inoperable .

    It is such a shock we are like zombies! .He is going to the Dr tomorrow to see when he will have the porta vein? put in his chest for the chemo. I hate the idea that he will get sicker with little hope of getting better!.Time is so short and we are so confused as to what to do!

    They haven't mentioned radiation. I guess because it has spread. The chemo attacks everywhere apparently.They don't say it will cure..only shrink tumors!

    Thank you all again..

    Golden Girl..........aka Snoozy..

  • garybuss

    Hi Snoozy, All,

    My friend Bob was given 6 months to live in 1992. His bladder cancer had spread to his glandular system, making it stage 2. He did take all the chemo treatments. His cancer went into remission and he lived a good life. He did finally die in 2001 in his mid 70's. I had many good times with him and our friends and families during those 9 years he lived after the cancer diagnosis.

    His outlook was very poor when he started the chemo treatments. I am glad he did it.

    Best wishes,


  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    Thank you Kelsey. You mentioned something I saw on TV. The Cancer center of America. They do alternative?. I hope I get a chance to check them out. They were the first ones I thought about! The Drs always make you feel like you better do it "Right Now." I need a "How to book!"

    He just retired in January! I don't want to lose him yet! I'm not done wth him!

    Golden Girl...aka Snoozy

  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    Gary you mentioned stage 2. What are the different stages? I thought they said hubby had stage 4. Does this mean 4 different sites? Anyone know? I thought it meant it spread?

    Golden Girl...aka Snoozy

  • Sentinel

    ((((((((((((((Dear Friend))))))))))

    I am so very sorry that you both have to face this terrible enemy. I can understand his plea to you to attend meetings with him. Because you are"out", this probably seems like the worse of all situations.

    Love goes both ways. Obviously, he knows how you feel, and you know how he feels. You will have to sit down and talk all of this out. You must be true to your heart. If your heart tells you that you can put on an act for nine months and go back into the "lion's den", then you must do it. If you can't, I certainly understand. Will he? I doubt it. He sees it as a very temporary thing, but he's asking an awful lot of you during this time period. In essence he is asking you to "pretend", so it will make him feel better. I have to ask, will it really? Or wouldn't it make him feel worse in the long run? You know him better than I do.

    Is there any type of compromise that could be worked out? It sounds like you both love each other. Life is so full of the unexpected situations. I honestly don't know what I would do if faced with what you have to face.

    Reading posts like yours, makes my problems seem very trivial and unimportant. My heart goes out to you. Take care.

    Love and LIght,


  • patio34

    Dear GoldenGirl,

    I'm so sorry to hear of the bad news for your hubby. It's a very rough time for you.

    (I'm having trouble making the picture come up but the name of the book is Cancer: 50 Essential Things to Do by Greg Anderson). I happened to pick this book up at the bookstore shortly after I was diagnosed almost 4 years ago. It's a great springboard of info and the guy lived it. It's a great resource.

    I'd strongly urge you to get this book and shore yourself up with information. It takes a brain time to get a grasp on this kind of news. There's a lot of help available to you, but it's still pretty rough, I'll bet.



    Edited by - Patio34 on 12 September 2002 22:28:59

    Edited by - Patio34 on 12 September 2002 22:30:17

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