Preaching, to a Witness is the MOST important assignment that God gives.As a matter of fact, if you don't preach you are bloodguilty before God.If you don't cover the territory properly, you are bloodguilty. If you didn't keep proper records, you were bloodguilty.If you didn't do not-at-homes, you were bloodguilty.If you didn't return to talk to a return visit within the week, you were bloodguilty. Obviously, we could NEVER reach all persons with the "truth". So we were all bloodguilty......Now, does anybody feel guilty???
by minimus 21 Replies latest jw friends
......Now, does anybody feel guilty???
No. Those who do must still think as a dub does. There are many ways to share a faith besides cold-calling on doors. Example and SHARING the message whenever.
How often? In what manner? You must to it the dub way or your either bloodguilty.....or your not following Jehovahs 'arrangement'. Either way, you lose with them.
This concept of incurring 'bloodguilt' if you did not preach sufficiently at every opportunity, was one of the most debilitating witness doctrines of all to me. I have always been a very shy person, and it is terribly difficult for me, especially, to approach strangers to accost them with information they had no interest in, or even actively wished to avoid. I hate making people uncomfortable, yet that is what every good JW must be willing and eager to do. At the same time, I sincerely wanted to see people have the opportunity to 'get saved' from the 'BIG A". It was always a dilemma for me.
It got no better, when I became more acquainted with someone more personally, for then, I knew if I started 'preaching' I would alienate the person and end up looking like some kind of religious nut, but knowing them better made me even more want to save them from destruction. For this reason, I found it very easy to avoid 'worldly association', out of fear of having to convert them, or out of shame for not being able to do it right according to the WTS.
I always thought that this doctrine was very unfair, because it puts a burden on an 'only human' person, which God himself seems unwilling to bear. After all, wouldn't it be a lot more effective in getting the message out to mankind, if God had just made the whole thing plainer, and understandable to people of all kinds. He should be able to do that, shouldn't he, if he is God, and really desires that no one be destroyed.
I am so happy to be free from the worry and guilt, and mental conflict which this doctrine put on me!!!
Used to feel guilty as hell.
I read a number of recent posts that brought out that preaching was more important than being with terminally ill loved sad, so sick!
I used to feel really guilty when I was too lazy to make return visits. It would eat at me. . . but not enough to go out regularly. . . . .
Oh yes........guilt guilt guilt. Even though I was a single parent working full time and going to college at night I still Auxil. Pioneered because I thought it was the most important thing - maybe somehow I could clear my conscience of my guilt from getting pregnant outside of marriage - if ONLY I could bring someone into the TRUTH.
God how sad........I am so glad to be free of that guilt.
The funny thing is.....I "witness" a lot now about God & Jesus - but not out of some guilt thing or because I have to put in my time. It just comes naturally. And it's a lot more suttle - not like "hello, I'm here to offer a free home bible study & some krapy magazines" - it's more just telling friends about why I like going to church now and little things that God has helped me with. A lot of positive things have happened in my life in the last few years and I want to share it with others - it's more a sense of love for if you found out the ticket to winning at poker and couldn't wait to tell your friends so you could all hit different casinos and cash in big. They're quite patient with me
Mostly I think they are just so glad to see me happy now.
I have gone door to door now to ask my neighbors to fill shoe boxes for the Good Samaritan ministry - and you know first it brought back so many bad fears - but people are so friendly and love to help out when you're coming to ask for help with a children's christmas charity. Now THAT's an angle the witnesses will never have (ha ha ha ha).
PS - I LOVE sleeping in on Saturday guilt free.
The Alchemist
I DID feel guilty. So guilty I thought what the use. That is why I became the world's most pathetic publisher. By the time I made the 3rd Saturday in a row I felt so guilty I hadn't been doing this all the long I just gave up. That is until guilt got me going again a few months later. Do I feel guilty now? Sh***t no. If I had to go out now I would flatten the tires on the service car, pass out apostate tracts at the doors, tell discouraging and down building stories at the coffee breaks and be a all round pain in the a$$. And feel GREAT!
Here is a List of Watchtower Quotes about BLOODGUILT that I put into a Thread: