by minimus 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • bay64me

    I was most concerned about getting my territory covered. I walked miles and spent hours organizing my call book and sorting out my return visits. I would feel bad if I never got the oppertunity to witness informally and would always be open to suggestions on how to improve. Kingdom ministry inserts were always at hand and I devoured that brown book, (the one with conversation stoppers in it)...........the title, I just cant remember off hand!

    I took my studies shopping, helped with their kids and housework. I gave them lifts here and there, picked them up, took them to meetings. Taught some of them to cook, clean, decorate and the list goes on.

    Do I feel guilty now?.........NO................just embarrassed!

  • minimus

    unDIS, thanx 4 the good research.

  • Matty

    On the flipside of the coin...

    For the fact that I still preach, knowing what I say to householders is nothing short of poison and that I'm only actually saying what I say simply to impress the person that is with me on the door, well, that's true guilt, something I should really be guilty about. And boy, do I feel guilty.

  • Pathofthorns

    Most JW's are uncomfortable saying that only JW's will survive Armageddon. They prefer to say that it is Jehovah who decides. If that is true, then why do they feel that they would be "bloodguilty" if they didn't preach? Clearly they feel they are doing a "life-saving work" and if you don't listen you will die.


  • mamashel

    The only thing I feel guilty about is the lies that I did tell in the door to door work.

    Sometimes i wish i would have kept bettet records so I could go and appologize for waiking them up on a Saturday or Sunday morning to spread the lies about the "Truf"


  • minimus

    MATTY...if you feel that you need to preach due to your situation, why not preach what you know is truth?

  • gumby

    Quote: and that I'm only actually saying what I say simply to impress the person that is with me on the door, well, that's true guilt, something I should really be guilty about. And boy, do I feel guilty.

    I could not do what you are doing....knowing what I know now.

    As minimus said....why not preach what you feel is the truth in a subtle way and perhaps open the eyes of your service partner? Just be careful what you say if your partner is.....EXPERIENCED.

  • Dismembered


    Do I feel guilty? Yes I'm curled up in the fetal position sucking my thumb from not preachin'

    Sweating bullets. Please someone HELP. Get me Twatchtower!

  • Lieu

    If preaching was held as the utmost import then there would be no Bethel. JR never went door to door and frankly neither has most of the GB. They confuse teaching those already in with preaching to those not in. They will not even condescend to having a conversation with a non-witness. They've lived ans stayed inside a sheltered building their entire lives....nothing like Paul, not even close to Christ. They're pretty bad examples if you ask me.

    THEY don't preach, why should anyone else? Guilt?, I think not.


    Good post minimus.I was taught that growing up in the dubs.An inactive dub isn`t worth shit in dub world.Thats why I get a laugh out of wanna-be dubs on this board...OUTLAW

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