by honestly 40 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • UnDisfellowshipped

    Also, I don't see Vicky on a PUBLIC Messgage Board bad-mouthing you or any one else, and I don't see her on this Board calling everyone here stupid either.

    You are just making yourself look worse by all this name-calling.

  • notperfectyet


    Was I married to you?.....were you refering to me?

    Just checking, because 72 hour lock up is over..............I have a gun..and I know how to use it.


  • notperfectyet

    ...oh I'm sorry........that was honestly........

  • notperfectyet


  • Xandria


    You need to stop coming on to this board and insulting the people here. FIRST of all all PALMER(S) come from the same roots. So that is a truth.. unfortunately all family trees have nuts.. and you are coming across as one. If you have a constructive thing to say then say it. If not SHUT THE HELL UP and take it to private converstation.

    All you have done is made yourself look like a raving lunatic. If you have evidence produce it in Court. Otherwise you are making yourself liable for a lawsuit for slander. All you are doing is strengthing Vicki's Case. By your words and venom to everyone who expresses themselves. It just goes further to prove that there is a seed of truth in what Vicki is saying. IF this is the "loving" care she received when she was reaching out for help.

    Why don't you do us all a favor and let us make up our own minds instead of campaigning aimlessly. The more you open your mouth the more damage you do. To your protestations of innocence on behalf of G. Palmer. I don't think that is the word to use when discribing him at this point. He is far from innocent.. as to be proven innocent in this court of law I seriously doubt it. They may find him non-liable but that is all. Innocence is the freedom of guilt or sin.. and I don't see this issue as a question of innocence. It is a question of being liable for damages done to a child.

    One entry found for innocence.
    Main Entry: innocence
    Pronunciation: 'i-n&-s&n(t)s
    Function: noun
    Date: 14th century
    1 a : freedom from guilt or sin through being unacquainted with evil : BLAMELESSNESS b : CHASTITY c : freedom from legal guilt of a particular crime or offense d (1) : freedom from guile or cunning : SIMPLICITY (2) : lack of worldly experience or sophistication e : lack of knowledge : IGNORANCE <written in entire innocence of the Italian language -- E. R. Bentley>
    2 : one that is innocent
    3 : BLUET

    As I state and will state again this is for the COURTS to decide. We are intitled to our opinions, for you to continue your tirade against those who express them in the manner you are then you will not be welcome here. No one has to take your abuse. PERIOD. End of story.


    S. Palmer

  • TR

    Oh Jesus Christ and General Grant!(Admiral "Bull" Halsey). Where do these friggin weirdos come from?


  • Crazy151drinker

    To the (in the words of the great Farkel) Dipshit who started this thread- BLOW ME!

    Edited by - crazy151drinker on 17 September 2002 3:0:48

  • Faraon


    In a similar thread you posted this,

    No Im not an idiot,I know the facts its slander.your the idiot who obviousy doesnt know the law...

    Im not a JW any longer.I was never disfellowshipped because i never did anything to get disfellowships.I left on my own after being raised in the truth.When I became older I made my own choice.I have nothing bad to say about the organization,I just dont want any religion in my life.

    I answered the following,


    No Im not an idiot,I know the facts its slander.your the idiot who obviousy doesnt know the law...

    Actually everything here would be considered libel, since it is all written. Slander refers to verbal false defamation. Besides having terrible spelling and grammar, you also seem not to know the law.

    Im not a JW any longer.I was never disfellowshipped because i never did anything to get disfellowships.I left on my own after being raised in the truth.When I became older I made my own choice.I have nothing bad to say about the organization,I just dont want any religion in my life.

    So you left the truth? That would make you a liar!

    Did you at least have the guts to get a letter of disassociation? I also felt I wanted no part of any religion. The elders here in Bolingbrook told me I had to write such a letter.

    If you have nothing bad to say about them, it follows you still believe all their teachings, yet you don't want any religion in your life. Aren't you being just a little contradictory here?

    I did not get any response.

    I have not heard anyone leaving the Borg for a long time and still call them "the truth", especially when one claims not to want any religion.

    Something is fishy here. Are you a Borg troll?

  • wordchick

    Oh, for God's sake, Karen, Shut up!
    I am not an ex-JW, and I know Vicki well. I know you well, too, and the things that I have learned about YOU these past few days have been shocking. I have completely lost respect for YOU, Karen. Who are you to cast stones?? Why such anger? Gower has admitted to what Vicki accuses him of, so why do you hate her? The family has scorned Vicki for at least 13 years over this. This won't just end. Vicki has nothing to lose her. Many family members support her.

  • wordchick

    As you read the rambling and irrational postings from "HOnestly," it is important that you all consider the fact that she really is mentally ill and has had mental episodes her whole life. In fact, she missed at least a whole month of work this past summer due to mental illness.

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