I was just thinking after reading some of the posts, and wanted to ask you something..... do any of you feel, and I mean right in the back of your minds, that JWs might still have the true faith (Truth). I've been inactive for a few years now and don't attend meetings at the KH, apart from the Memorial, and occasional convention. Please don't shout me down, its just that to me, even though I've been out for a while and my reasons for "drifting" away were very painful to me, I don't feel as the majority do here. I realise from reading alot of posts that some have had some awful experiences and been treated badly by those who are in the congregations by elders or others that were supposed to be "loving".....maybe I am fortunate that I never experienced that, and maybe thats why I can't feel as most do here about the Witnesses, In my mind even though there are ones who treat the flock badly, I just can't condemn the whole organisation because of that, who mostly I feel, are made up of good honest people trying there best to serve Jehovah. (and you must remember like me, it wasn't easy!) Maybe I've answered my own question, I'm not sure. I still in my heart believe this is the Truth and always I think will, even though inactive. Anyway, I don't want to offend anyone here, I was just curious. (and you know what that did to the cat!) Now don't go getting all "narky" on me now!!!