Inactive.....but curious....

by ScoobySnax 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • stichione

    Hi there ScoobySnax

    I too for many years thought that the JW religion was the truth and by sticking with it I would be saved.But I alway had nagging thoughts at the back of my mind. Then one day I started doing some serious reseach into the Watchtower by reading non-Watchtower material (which is the only way it can be done). I recommend to you the following books:

    -Crisis of Conscience by Raymond Franz (former Governing Body member)
    -In Search of Christian Freedom (ibid)
    -Gentile Times Reconsidered by C.O. Jonsson (former JW elder)

    Then I recommend you visit the following websites and dedicated at least 20-30 hours reading the various articles they have:

    It will not be easy at first. But if you want to know the truth, take my recommendation. The JWs tell other they should examine their religion. JWs should also examine their own religion. Do you know that there is a reason why the Watchtower Society is terrified of former JWs such as Raymond Franz, C.O. Jonsson and many others? Afterall, if it is the truth, it can stand any "attack". But if its false, it will crumble like a house of cards. Do it and let me know what you find.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    I don't believe any religion has the ultimate truth. It is a very subjective term and it depends on who's perspective you are looking at. I always stump witnesses by saying if this is the truth today than what did we believe 40 years ago??? Garbage?? Its like the commercial ads that say there product is new and improved !! Than what did we use before? Old and crappy?


  • nakedmvistar

    Hey scooby!,

    I grew up around the faith all my life but never was baptised. Like you now, I went to the memorial and had a study now and then. Something in the back of my mind told me something was very wrong with them. I went to college, majored in religious studies, and yet I found ;alot of the jw's ;doctrine to be valid. I studied many other religions freely, without all that guilt imposed about by the jw's. I was not HURT by the Jw's so I don't have all this hate that I'm sure you've seen on this forum. I believe in God and I also believe that there will be a new world. No matter what you decide about your inactivity, I suggest you research and examine all sides in all of this. There are alot of hurt people in this forum who would love to see you leave the organization. I suggest you do what is right in your own heart. It's late in the "game" in this world anyway you look at it, and most if not all religious organizations are corrupt in one way or another. We don't really no what went on with all these people who were d'fd. everybody seems to be innocent of any wrong doing in this forum.

  • Lin

    Scooby, not in a million years!

  • FreeFallin

    Hi Scoobysnax,

    You asked:

    do any of you feel, and I mean right in the back of your minds, that JWs might still have the true faith (Truth).

    Yes, I do sometimes, and that the apostates are leading Jehovah's honest hearted people astray. Especially when an elder will stop by with the magazines and assure me of the congregation's love. That's when it helps to remember how deceitfully the Watchtower has dealt with us. Research the UN, Mexico/Malawi political hypocrisy, and of course the Silent Lambs issue.

    Best wishes to you.


  • DJ

    Hi Scooby,

    I can remember thinking the same way as you do now. It has been 7 yrs. for me since I left. I had fears and guilt and it became a terrible cycle. I from suffered depression and anxiety, I practically worried myself to death! For me, praying was what helped me. I asked if this was the truth or not, told God that I was sorry for being so confused and I asked for his guidance. Can you believe that I actually was afraid at first to ask for his help. I thought that he might smush me right then and there! I also thought that a demon might grab me for doubting! I was an absolute mess! He answered me. I'm free.

    I would also suggest that you do the research on the sites that are posted above. If you really want the truth, then ask God for it. Seek and you shall find. If he set me free, he will set you free but you have to ask. Read Matt can you do what Jesus said to do if you won't seek him? Don't be afraid. You probably will be, after all you have been taught not to. They are misled. Trust Jesus not man!

    You will need some support and you are welcome here anytime. I relate to what you are going thru. I used to think that I would never ever ever be able to progress but I am so happy to tell you that I am 100% free from the teachings that almost killed me. love, dj

  • Prisca

    I left over primarily doctrinal issues, particularly 1914 and the "governing body", so I have no doubt in my mind that the JWs DO NOT have "the Truth". Whilst I encountered bad treatment by so-called "true Christians", I am not bitter towards them. I feel pity for those emotionally and spiritually trapped in the organisation, though.

  • abbagail

    Hi Scooby, yes I can relate to and empathize with what you are saying. BluesBrother wrote a similar thread just yesterday, I think it was. I was away from the org for 12 years and still believed the ENTIRE TIME it "was the truth." I thought I would die for sure (at Armageddon) if I didn't get my act together and get back "in there." I never had a bad experience as a JW either, and never really saw any of the "fishy stuff" going on, nor did it ever occur to me I was being mistaught or misled, etc. The biggest complaints I ever had was how the brothers couldn't READ worth a hoot, or the ones who gave boring talks, or how "UNorganized" my cong seemed. The only "nagging" thing in my gut I ever remember, was in the late 80's how the words "Jehovah's ORrrrrGANIZAaaaaaTION" was (it seemed like) being written or spoken (shoved down our throats) in every sentence. Was it me just getting restless or was it something more? At the time I thought it was me, of course, "drifting away" in that little row-boat. In other words, I was a good 'lil dub at heart (except for those things above) and left for reasons not related to doctrine or Bible teachings, etc. Why, I was seriously thinking of going back (especially after 9/11)! That's when I came online to see if I could find what JWs were saying about 9/11, the great trib, Armageddon, etc. etc. I ended up in one group for "JWs with doubts & questions" etc., and vehemently defended the JWs. I only lasted in that group maybe a month because it was flat-out exhausting. Then I stumbled on a link to SilentLambs. (The link said something like "Wolves in the Congregations" or something really scary like that, which is why I clicked on it. All the other anti-JW stuff I had skimmed over didn't seem to bother me -- pyramids, Heaven's Gate, whatever... I thought it was all silly stuff at the time). But it was SilentLambs that took the blinders off my eyes. I cried and cried for a week but couldn't stop reading that site. After that I began going back and reading in detail all of the other xJW sites, like the ones above, this time without the blinders on. After Dateline I finally registered here to post. Hey, it's all "downhill" after that! [sarcasm!]

    The things that really bothered me after doing all that reading were: (a) The change in the baptismal vows, which even tho I was a dub at the time [1985], it went right over my head. [b] The changes in the blood policies, the deal the WTS made with the Bulgarian gov't. (c) Changes in the military service policies, (d) and the fact that they renegged in 1995 on the "generation;" etc. etc. --- In addition to the links above, be sure to check out the WT QUOTES site: Just reading a line-up of all WT quotes on various topics will really really clear the mind!

    Even with finally knowing all the "dirt" on the WTS, every now and then a little glimmer of longing will rise up (expressed well by BluesBrother in his thread yesterday) -- a longing for what I wish it really was (but it isn't), a longing for that conviction I had as a dub (and now don't know what to believe), and missing that "belonging" to a group (I'm not one of those ready for another religion yet!) It's kinda scary not knowing where I'm headed, but it's also kind of exciting, like on the threshold of something much better (because I DO well remember during my dub years always feeling like I was NEVER DOING ENOUGH [exhausting!], along with the subsequent GUILT, the SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS & judgmentalism (hard to admit that to ourselves, but I definitely was one of those judgemental SR types!), and last but not least, FEAR: fear of Armgeddon, fear of being counted unworthy... and fear of the apostates especially! You may not be aware of it yet, but think about whether you ever really felt any of these emotions while a dub. Then we have to ask, how can Guilt, Fear, etc. be how Jehovah would want us to walk around feeling all the time?

    I say give it six months from where you're at right now. If you start reading like the others have suggested, six months from now you will feel differently. Since I'm still so "enamored" with this site and the SilentLambs cause, I still haven't taken the time to order Ray Franz' or any of the others' books yet. At first I was in no hurry to read them because I knew that would be the "last nail in the coffin" of my former "dream" religion, and was I ready for that? (Ignorance is Bliss, they say). Well, I am ready now to read them, and plan to buy a whole bunch o'books after the SilentLambs March.

    Anyway, I know what you mean. You're not the only one feeling/thinking the way you are right now. Not all, but some on this forum have been there, and every now and then still get those same feelings. (Guess I am not fully de-programmed yet!)


  • RedhorseWoman

    I spent a good many years inactive, but still believing that the JWs had the truth. It wasn't until I got on the Internet and began learning about the deceptive manner in which doctrines are presented by the WTBTS that I realized tha what was being taught was just about as far from the truth as you can get.

    It takes time to get over the mind control. After all, the Society is good at it. Keep posting. Keep reading, and by all means keep an open mind and really THINK about points that are brought out. This is something that we were NOT encouraged to do as active JWs, and it takes a little getting used to.

    Everyone progresses at their own pace.

  • jozb5

    No. And I say that after of years of hearing that little voice saying "they could be right". But after all I have seen being on the other side with the blinders off, no I don't feel that way anymore which is actually a relief.


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