Inactive.....but curious....

by ScoobySnax 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • tamee

    I felt like you do for a long time. But as the years have gone by I have been able to look at the organisation more objectively and my eyes have been opened more and more. Any lingering belief that they just might have the "truth" faded when I read Ray Franz's book: Crisis of Conscience". The book is so well written, not bitter or nasty, and just points out facts about how the organisation works. I now know that the JW's are no different from any other religious organisation, despite their claims to being "different" from the world, and I no longer live with the fear that I might be risking my childrens lives by not going to meetings etc!

    I also know that there are many, many good, genuine JW's (my parents being two of them - elder/pioneers have devoted 45 years to the organisation) but they have been sucked in by an organisation controlled by people who are very clever and manipulative.

  • UnDisfellowshipped

    Scoobie said:

    I was just thinking after reading some of the posts, and wanted to ask you something..... do any of you feel, and I mean right in the back of your minds, that JWs might still have the true faith (Truth). I've been inactive for a few years now and don't attend meetings at the KH, apart from the Memorial, and occasional convention. Please don't shout me down, its just that to me, even though I've been out for a while and my reasons for "drifting" away were very painful to me, I don't feel as the majority do here. I realise from reading alot of posts that some have had some awful experiences and been treated badly by those who are in the congregations by elders or others that were supposed to be "loving".....maybe I am fortunate that I never experienced that, and maybe thats why I can't feel as most do here about the Witnesses, In my mind even though there are ones who treat the flock badly, I just can't condemn the whole organisation because of that, who mostly I feel, are made up of good honest people trying there best to serve Jehovah. (and you must remember like me, it wasn't easy!) Maybe I've answered my own question, I'm not sure. I still in my heart believe this is the Truth and always I think will, even though inactive. Anyway, I don't want to offend anyone here, I was just curious. (and you know what that did to the cat!) Now don't go getting all "narky" on me now!!!

    I thought that the Watchtower Society was "The Truth" until I read the info on the following Websites:

    Also, here are some more very good Websites: (The entire Website is ONLY WATCHTOWER QUOTES!)

  • Dia

    Hi there,

    I think you are looking at JWs and seeing that 'a few bad apples are everywhere'.

    Try looking at them and thinking, 'A few good apples are everywhere.'

    DISCERNING things and honoring your own intuitions and drawing your own conclusions have never been respected by WTS/JWs.

    The bad thing about the good apples among JWs is that you can't keep or deepen your friendships with them and you can't share your thoughts and feelings with them, you can't learn from them and you can't teach them anything because with them it's an 'all or nothing' thing.

    Try looking at this (it gets even more interesting after you pass the first page or so of JW history).:

    It is one of several articles written by Dr. Jerry Bergman who was raised as a witness and is now a professor of psychology and a mental health professional who works with (among others) a lot of elders and ex-elders.

    He has written many, many papers and several books, including "Why Jehovah's Witnesses Have Mental Problems".

    Tho Dr. Bergman is actually generous and kind-hearted toward R&F JWs and has many advanced degrees, the WTS actively tries to discredit him as a 'kook', a 'liar' and a fake (and, of course, an evil apostate)..

    Read his stuff. It's good.

    You'll understand why he's a big target of the WT's 'spiritual warfare', i.e. lying.

    You can find more of his stuff by searching his name at

    Best wishes. We're happy to have you.

  • Darkhorse

    It is normal to have feelings of doubt and wondering if you are really doing the right thing, that it was not so bad, etc.

    Eventhough I have never been a JW, I was in an abusive marriage (not now). When I first left my abusive spouse, after a period of time I had similar feelings that you are now experiencing, I returned to him.

    Try to examine your feelings, what are you feeling, and why?

    Remember back when you first started thinking about becoming inactive, what caused your doubts about staying with the JW's?

    What event(s) finally caused you to become inactive?

    Think about those reasons before considering returning.

  • buffy


    I completely relate to what you're feeling. I was inactive for 3 years then disfellowshipped 2 years ago. I still feel that I was taught the "truth." In reading your posts, I was told many of the same things you are being told. "You've been brainwashed, "you're in the first stages of denial," etc. I still don't feel like I was brainwashed and don't feel as if I'm in denial. All I know, is that I don't have the will power to follow the JW's teachings. I still feel that they are correct, however. Maybe with more time, my feelings will change about the JW's, but even if I feel this way forever, it's fine with me. I had a very good upbringing in the "truth." I can't imagine how my life would have been if my mother stayed on the course she was on before becoming a JW. And, I'm very thankful for the "truth" for changing her life the way it did. I don't harbor bad feelings toward the people who've shunned me. I understand that I chose to leave.

    Where do I go from here? I have no idea. I'm just living life the way I never could as a JW. I can't say that 2, 3, 4 years from now I'll still be disfellowshipped - I don't know. I don't know if I'd be strong enough to ever go back. I like my life the way it is. But, I still wake up feeling like "god, what if Armageddon comes today?"

    But, I like coming to this website when I start thinking of going back. It's a reminder of how hard it was and all the things that didn't make sense come crashing back to me. Maybe I'm just totally f#@!$% up in the head and royally confused. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know, that you're not the only one who feels that way.


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