The one thing that I find effective about JWs is that they are so incredibly dismissive of "higher education." They do not encourage their members to do any real college and to them anything non-biblical or secular may as well be inspired by Satan! That creates a system where people live in an academic vacuum. And it creates a system of distrust of what someone might tell you, especially if you don't understand it.
The other thing is is simple blind faith. If you don't really know how to check behind some of these academic claims that are made, then you can just dismiss them on blind faith and trust the Bible. That works out to be a successful practice since literary issues relating to the Bible seldom effect everyday life.
Yet another circumstance I've observed by interacting with other Christians, like Baptists and the like, is that they seldom get into textual issues or historical issues. Their religion focuses on Christ's sacrifice and how God helps them in their daily lives and their religion thrives because it is more emotional. They go to church, hear that preacher performing, hear those inspirational gospel songs about going to heaven and how much Jesus loves them and that's about it. If you ask them about the 1000-year reign of Christ and who is Satan tempting after that reign is over, they draw a blank and don't want to change that.
But if there's anything I got from being a JW that I appreciate, it's the total disdain for anything secular. It's almost like a "sin" to go into a library and read anything Biblical or related to Bible history that isn't provided for you by the WTS. That healthy disdain has served me well because major institutions of higher learning are often more institutions of propaganda than education. They have their own agenda and are just as determined to control minds and ideas in the world as the WTS is. The fallacy of people who sport the importance of higher education is not realizing the level of dishonesty people in the academic field are capable of.
The best policy is to be objective and enter the field of discovery with the presumption that everybody is lying and has their own agenda. There is no difference for those supporting higher education who presume the Bible is in error than those who support the Bible who enter the discussion presuming the secular references are in error. I don't mind letting the Bible stand on its own merit, but I always presume those publishing in the field have their own agenda and don't trust them, particularly any Jewish writers or historians whom I've found are consistently suspect at every single turn. Don't forget the Jews gave us the Kabbalah. They don't believe Jesus Christ is the true messiah. So they have their own loyalties and agendas just as any other organization such as the WTS.