Why Are the Democrats So Evil?

by cellomould 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • The Alchemist
    The Alchemist

    I see it as a racheting effect. First the rachet swings to the left, less of our own money. Then the rachet swings to the right, more police power. And then we get screwed into the ground. When ever either political party gets power it never reverses the damage done by the other. It's really a Right Left dumb show.

  • Yerusalyim

    WhyNot, You said,

    What comes to mind?

    Clinton- monica lewinsky, linda trip, impeachment, cheating

    Bush-iraq, soon there will be war, bad economy, Middle East mess, Venezuela mess, afghanistan, Enron, World com

    I would choose Clinton's soap opera anytime rather than Bush's; which is personally affecting me, my family and my friends.

    Those were the good old days!!!!!!

    The Bad Economy, the war with Iraq, the middle east mess Afghanistan, ENRON and WorldCom are all thanks to Clinton, Bush just inherited them.


    Check out FOXNEWS for their morning show, 6 - 9 AM East Coast time. Steve E.D. and Brian are cool. E.D. is pregnant but still quite the hottie!

    Edited by - Simon on 25 September 2002 10:45:25

  • teejay

    Yep, you got that right cellomould.

    The Democrats are evil through and through. Frank's Hitler quotes prove it.

    The Republicans, on the other hand, all wear white hats.
    They are our friends. They are here to help us.

    *rolling eyes*

    p.s. Clinton was an exception to his party, though. He will go
    down as one of the greatest presidents in U.S. history. That's
    a fact. If it weren't prohibited by the Constitution, he'd be
    president right now.

  • cellomould

    Thanks all for your comments...

    I wish I had been as critically minded during the Clinton administration. I was a loyal JW back then...not thinking much about politics. But during the elections, I was starting to think for myself. I liked either Gore or McCain. I really thought those should have been the two opponents for the presidency. I don't know where the heck Bush came from.

    What are his credentials, really? Gore and McCain have both been senators. Both have worked hard and stood up for what they felt was right. (And of course, they aren't always right) Bush was a governor of Texas. That's quite unlike working on Capitol Hill. I have yet to see an example of Bush deciding against the path of least resistance, especially when campaign dollars are involved. Yes, he talks incessantly about values and responsibity...So we have elected a fine talker (although perhaps not that great with grammar)...

    Now about this war...Preston, you explained yourself quite well, thanks...

    It will accomplish much less than the problems it will solve. The White House administration is really not focusing on the real question: how do we ensure the safety of our citizens? Do they want us to feel safer, or to actually be safer? There is a not-so-subtle difference.

    Great nations have been undone by the fighting of pointless wars. If the primary motivation is the preservation of the ego, that is a problem.

    Francois quoted Hitler, a man whose vision we desire not to emulate...Don't you think he was responding to perceived threat when he invaded Poland? The Germans were feeling vulnerable and they welcomed a decisive leader, who would eliminate these threats. The entire history of that regime can be understood in terms of response to perceived threats. In hindsight, we perceive Hitler as a maniac.


  • TTBoy

    I highly doubt Hitler felt threatened by any means, seeing as he took over most of Europe and started another front in Russia.

    The facts are that Iraq has disreguarded, is it 13? UN weapons inspections resolutions.

    Compare it to the WTS. If neither has anything to hide, allow investigation and inspection. Neither will because they have both have something to hide and protect!


  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    Clinton one of the greatest presidents??!!?? Please tell me you're joking. He accomplished nothing, he diminished the office more than any other single individual in history, he made the US a laughingstock on the international scene. He'll be bottom five at best, except of course in the rankings of liberal academia. But, I'll bet even the left disavows him in a few years.

  • teejay

    Clinton one of the greatest presidents??!!?? Please tell me you're joking.
    I am absolutely serious. Do a web search on Clinton's accomplishments ( too many to record here ) and you'll see what I mean: Creation of jobs; budget surplus; reduction in unemployment; reduction in inflation; Palestinian/Israeli peace agreements; etc., etc., etc. In these and many other areas, the Nation enjoyed times not seen in 40 years, Bro! It's a fact. If you don't know... now you know.

    It never fails. Like clockwork, those that want to speak bad about him ALWAYS focus on the blow jobs the Man got from "that woman!, Ms. Lewinsky", but the fact is, if they want to focus on his time in office and the actual work he got done, there's really not much else they can talk about. Sorry. It may be sad for ya, but it's awfully true.

  • teejay

    On the Nightly News last night it was reported that

    By almost any measurement, the average voter is worse off now than they were during
    the last election. In a Cabinet meeting at the White House yesterday, Dubya attempted
    to put a positive spin on the ugly news ("the American people are resilient, they're
    strong... we got [sic] the best workers in the world. Inflation's down, interest rates are
    low..."). Right!!

    The facts are:

      *Yesterday (September 24, 2002), the Dow Jones Industrial average reached a four-year
      low. It has fallen 27% since Bush took office. As a result, 85 million stockholders have
      lost $5 trillion in personal wealth.

      * Unemployment has risen from 4.2% to 5.7% since Bush took office.

      * The $281 billion dollar surplus that was in the bank when Clinton left
      office has become, in the span of a year and a half, a $157 billion deficit.

    I know dyed-in-the-wool-Republicans-who-hate-Clinton have ready-made excuses for all
    of the bad news, but it won't change the bad news. Clinton led the greatest economic
    boom since WW II. That's a fact, too. Again, the Clinton bashers have excuses, but...

  • Trauma_Hound

    Actually in the state I live, Washington State unemployement is at 7% and rising. Clinton laughing stock of Europe, hardly, most Europeans thought the big to do about the sex in the white house wasn't very important. I am currently un-employed. I voted for Gore, I might have voted for McCain since he's from my home state, both seem resonable. And yes Gore was one of the people that helped get the internet rolling, seriosly, he was one of the senators that voted for funding of the Arpanet way back when. Bush is a twit, his latest ramblings have made it clear he wants war with Iraq, no matter what.

  • Farkel

    For those of you who have defended Clinton, I would like to know SPECIFICALLY what HE personally did to make the economy so robust during his presidency. Take all the time you need. You will need all the time that has ever existed to come up with solid evidence.

    (I will not accept the introduction of exotic-flavored cigars as evidence.)


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