Many of you know, I have siblins that are j.w.s and some that are not. Since I disassociated myself, I am shunned by my j.w.siblins. My non-jw siblins and my j.w. siblins associate with each other, and sometimes this puts me in a awkward position. Sometimes I feel I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place.
My question to you is......In the future would you put yourself in a situation where you would be shunned? I realize many of you will say, simple ignore them and do what you want, but it doesn't change the fact that it's very hurtful to me. I feel this is very abusive behavior. In the future, I'll be invited to many non witness family events, such as weddings, ballgames, ect, and my witness family will be there also and I'll be shunned *again*. Should I continue to put myself in a position where I would be exposed to that? Should it matter that it may hurt a non witness family if I declined to come to their childrens wedding or school event? Reason being that I might be shunned by j.w. family members? Do you think my non j.w siblins would understand? I understand that this could be a personal decision, but I'm wondering what the healthest decision would be. Wouldn't it be healthier on my part to not involve myself where I would be shunned, even though I would miss out on a wedding or something else? Like any abuse, wouldn't it be better to stay clear of it? Are the answers to these questions, quiet simple? Are any of you in a simular situation and how do you feel about it? What do you do and how do you deal with it?
Tink =:o)
p.s. Thank-you for all the replies on hubby's post concerning my health, but I'm fine. I'll probably be having surgury next week to have my gallblatter removed, but I'm sure things will be okay. Thank you for your love and concern.