Shunning is the absolute worst thing to do to a person, it has happened to many people here, myself included, it used to bother me, and sometimes I was put into situations (funeral) where the shunning was unbearable, this is a time when a loved one has passed, and still they have the opportunity to shun and make you feel like crap. I no longer go to functions that make me feel uncomfortable and I know what to expect. Why put myself in that enviroment it just makes me feel awful, so I do not give them the chance to do that to me. Yes you miss out on alot of things, weddings, parties etc, but is it worth it at your expense, nah!
What I always wanted to do deep down, was confront them and ask them if they have a problem or something, like where is this coming from, I mean family is family, does that not mean something to these people. I have had my brother-in-law (elder) at my door many a time, finally I asked him not to come to my house anymore, not even to drive in my driveway. When he repeatedly still showed, each and every time he did that I just stood there and asked him, Why are you here, I asked you not to come to my house, he backed off and left. Now he never comes. Thank God.
I did miss my Aunts funeral, and felt really bad, but if any of my non-JW relatives ask me why, I will surely tell them. I really do not give a rats petutee what people think of me.