JW Org Flags at R.C.

by ToesUp 76 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • millie210

    Have to ask....

    this is for real? Not photo-shopped?

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Edited to add that post has been cropped on right margin. Maybe it's just me and my Mac.

    What first comes to mind is the "Standfasters," whom I believe were Bible Students of the WWI era. They took a stand against praying for the country, if I recall correctly. They were criticized by their leaders for not conforming to Society directives.

    What happens when the Watchtower Society makes a mistake? In 1984, Karl Klein a member of the Governing Body, addressed this issue in the October 1, 1984 Watchtower page 22. He says, "World War I was raging, and even though the most prominent brothers had been unjustly imprisoned over the war issue, the need for Christian neutrality was not fully appreciated by those taking the lead. A few who saw the issue clearly took offense and separated themselves from the Bible Students, calling themselves Standfasters. They warned me that if I stayed with the Bible Students I would lose out on being of the 'little flock' of Jesus' anointed followers." Karl Klein although he appears to have agreed with the Standfasters in principle, goes on to say, "Mother, though not yet dedicated, helped me to make the right decision. I could not see myself leaving those from whom I had learned so much, and I decided to take my chances with my Bible Student brothers. It was a test of loyalty."

    Did the Watchtower organization make a mistake? Apparently so because just prior to World War II, they adjusted their viewpoint. Their new viewpoint was now identical to that of the Standfasters. (See the Watchtower, Dec. 1, 1981 pg. 29.) This is a perfect example of the Watchtower's position that it is not important if the organization is right or wrong. What is important is loyalty to the Watchtower Society. The fact that faithful followers of the organization believed in a position before the organization did, was not looked at with favour. Apparently it was not as important who was right but who was loyal to the organization.


  • Oubliette
    Looking more and more like every other religion!
  • FadingTruth

    Can we confirm that this is real and not photoshopped?

    After that one photoshop of the JW literature cart ladies in the coffee shop with the homeless man outside, I need to be doubly sure

  • Vidiot

    If it's a photoshop job, it's the best I've seen. yet.

    Just when I think it couldn't get any weirder...


    For a religion that disdains "The World", it sure acts like them more and more.

    (Although, I suppose the alternative is to be like the Amish.)

  • dubstepped
    WTFlag? That's crazy.
  • Londo111
    Yes, I would like confirmation this is real.
  • millie210

    I just went to the site mentioned and didnt see it?

    I am now wondering if it has been taken down?

    The pic of the two little kids with flags is there.


    For Decades..

    JWS were Forced to Avoid FLAGS / IDOLS At Any Cost..


    This Shows How Fast and Completely..


  • ToesUp

    Here is the site I found the photo. If it is photo shopped...someone did a great job with the details!

    I believe it is real. I know it is very hard to believe how crazy the org has become.


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