JW Org Flags at R.C.

by ToesUp 76 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • blondie

    What the WTS leaves out is the group that left in 1909....

    New Covenant Believers[edit]

    On October 24, 1909 former Society secretary-treasurer E.C. Henninges, who was by then the Australian branch manager of the International Bible Students Association, based in Melbourne, wrote Russell an open letter of protest trying to persuade him to abandon the teaching and calling on Bible Students to examine its legitimacy. When Russell refused, Henninges and most of the Melbourne congregation left Russell's movement to form the New Covenant Fellowship Hundreds out of the estimated 10,000 US Bible Students also left, including pilgrim M.L. McPhail, a member of the Chicago Bible Students and A. E. Williamson of Brooklyn. The dissidents formed the New Covenant Believers. In 1908 they began publishing "The Kingdom Scribe", which ceased publication in 1975. Since 1956 they have published "The Berean News", a small newsletter. The founding group is now known under the name Berean Bible Students Church in Lombard, Il.[4]

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_Bible_Students#New_Covenant_Believers (I've visited this church)

  • GodZoo
    Apparently it was not as important who was right but who was loyal to the organization.

    That's insanity. Loyalty to what you know to be true should be paramount.

  • Hold Me-Thrill Me
    Hold Me-Thrill Me

    Suggestion to Governing Body:

    I think those flags would look very good in front of your new headquarters. I would think 12 flag poles for the 12 Apostles would be nice.

    Another nice touch would be large jw.org door knockers on the front door with a jw.org door mat beneath. That way everyone who enters your hallowed halls will do so having had their shoes blessed clean by the very thing mankind has waited for: jw.org- the glorious image of God.

  • sir82
    I wonder if they'll come up with a pledge of allegiance next?
  • millie210

    Well they already have a national anthem!

    (We're Jehovahs Witnesses)

  • Splash
    So it's not just the Chilean flag that kingdom halls can fly!
  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro
    I couldn't believe it when they put that stupid blue box on the PARKING SIGNS at the RC. Really?? JW Parking and then at both corners that stupid blue box. LOL - maybe they will change the name of the religion to jw.org. Also, every KH sign (at least in the US) has that stupid blue box. Really looks strange and cult like.
  • 4thgen
    You are kidding right???? This was photo shopped...right???

    ...................Image result for Watchtower logo

    .Image result for Business woman saluting.Image result for JW.ORG Flag switzerland.Image result for Businessman saluting


  • sparrowdown

    I knew it !!!!

    I knew this was coming, these people are becoming way too predictable in their org worship.

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