Witnesses DO NOT Love Each Other

by metatron 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    The Watchtower claims that Witnesses love each other - and that this love marks them
    as being the true religion.


    Some of you used to be elders. How difficult it was to conduct the Theocratic Ministry
    School BECAUSE SISTERS HATED EACH OTHER!!? It was a constant - below the surface - 'she
    won't give a talk with sister so and so, they won't talk to each other'.

    How many times did you arrange a group for field service and have it completely

    Witnesses love each other?
    Then why does the Watchtower have to remind them (again and again):

    To take care of their elderly parents (Witness or otherwise)
    To avoid defrauding each other ('write down all business agreements')or
    To stop getting divorced?

    If Witness congregations are such wonderful nests of love, why are so many Witness kids
    rebelling and 'falling out of the truth' or running away from all of it?

    Have you ever experienced the JEALOUSY that exists between bodies of elders?
    That this is often why building programs of Kingdom Halls and Assembly Halls are so
    inept or wasteful? That plumbing or tile must be torn out and reset while brothers
    argue and can't coordinate?

    Think that Witnesses suddenly turn loving during persecution? I've got news for you!
    Put a whole bunch of elders in prison, ISOLATE EACH OF THEM, and apply pressure.
    Watch YEARS of RIVALRY and ANIMOSITY spill out when peer pressure isn't there.
    this brother you don't like got imprisoned along with you...")

    Remember how the Society used to say "don't save seats" at assemblies?
    Well, they gave up on enforcing that - I DARE YOU to watch Witnesses enter any
    district assembly building at 8am sharp - Can you say "The Who" concert? How about
    Oklahoma Land Rush?

    If you refuse to go to war, does that REALLY show love? If I decide NOT TO KILL YOU,

    The Society LOVES to "blow trumpets ahead" of itself every time a Witness does something
    selfless in war or persecution - but what about the ordinary people who risked their
    lives to save others - like Otto Schindler or Americans who hid runaway slaves before
    the Civil War? How about the folks who DIED TRYING TO SAVE OTHERS DURING 9-11 WHILE

    I have little doubt that, in fact, it is largely HATE that keeps the organization

    The hate and jealousy that prevents an elder from resigning because he KNOWS that he
    or his family might then be the subject of a judicial committee by other jealous elders

    The HATE that allows a Witness to walk thru their local mall - and feel good
    that God will kill every worldly person they pass

    The hate for disfellowshipped people - the shunning that can be as a hostage arrangement
    within Witness families to maintain Watchtower control. Yes, the hate that can fill the
    vacuum created by years of Watchtower denigration of normal family love within its
    'theocratic arrangement'

    I sometimes marvel at the Watchtower's attempts to carefully define 'love' within the
    narrow and confined world of its strictures

    it makes me think, they must 're-define' it - to overcome the testimony of individuals'
    hearts - telling them otherwise.


  • Satanus

    Good points, met. It is their hatred for the world that is a big unifying factor. Also, a while ago, in wt warnings against apostacy and apostates, it warned them to be watchful even of fellow dubs. It suggested that fellow dubs may not be trusted totally. What does mistrust do to what little love they had?


  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Thanks to their insularity, JWs are nourished on paranoia... just miss a couple of meetings and they begin to look askance at you. It's become really nightmarish, and I can't believe it was anywhere near this bad 20 or 30 years ago.

  • benext

    Ah yes the days of if you assign me with that sister I suddenly remember a call I need to go on. Or we need a substitute for talk number 3. Love? Not at all.

  • happy man
    happy man


    I must dissagre what you said, do you think we are perfekt peopel, where do you find that.

    Myself i hade the teocratic schol fore over 15 years, never i have this problem you tell here.

    I have also my one firm, so i meet a lot of peopel in the so calld word, and ther i can tell you we have this thing as you say, i have meet terribel treatment from peopel who i think was my friends, peoepl who i learnd evrtything, quite in my firm, try to wash mee away from the market, widh lying and slander, it is still a bigg fight.

    I have also near contact widh some religius leader , in my work, and some of them complian very much, that they been treated very bad from ther cong, talking on ther baks, and so on.

    I think you understand that you always have problems widh peopel who are diffrent, but i have not find so much love and care from anyone, as i hade when i was in US on Assambleys 1969 ,1973, wonderfull familys who give us ther love and care, this memorys are very bigg fore mee, when i compare it widh the treatment i hade from peopel In the word, who I give so much in diffrent ways, and only hade dirt back. this word is tuff, even among us as JW it is tuffer, but never i can say this is like inn the word, thats my expirienses.

    I understand that some of you hade been trated very bad, and you want to give back, but it is dangerus too say evrything is bad, when it is not

    sending you my warm regards from sweden

  • Lieu

    Interesting points....and true.

    The Bible said:

    "God so LOVED the world....."

    "...LOVE your neighbor as yourself."

    "HATE what is bad, LOVE what is good."

    How does that equate to HATE everybody in the world?

    I always thought, as a JW, I was supposed to try and help as many people as possible before the end, not hate as many as possible and be happy at their end.

    "God is not slow respecting his promise....but he wishes that ALL men be saved ....."

    JWs for the most part are taught to be selfish. Always wishing for the end to come so that their particular problems in life will be over with and not giving a rats behind about what happens to everyone else.

    Always saying stuff like: "I wish the big A would come tomorrow so I wouldnt have to deal with such and such anymore"....I,I,I,I,me,me,me,me,.....SELFISH!!!

  • imanaliento

    witnesses love each other only as a trained parrot is taught to say it.

    it's only conditional, think that anyone of them would really die for you?

  • happy man
    happy man


    If so, it is still better to be a traind parrot as try to be kind, and be a traind parrot to kill, as all this words young peopel are inn ther military systems. Look what happend in ruwanda, in former yougslavia, in Norhten Ireland, here in no JW, but I think you find the most of other religions, DONT FORGET THIS.

  • dsgal

    In my experience,witnesses only love the ones that are in their cliques.If your'e not in the "in-crowd",you don't even exist to them.This was especially true with the elder's wives.All the talk about them having love among themselves is nothing more than a fantasy.

  • metatron

    I never said Witnesses were - or are- perfect. That's not the point here.

    Supposedly, this love is so great as to mark them as 'true religion'. That's a load of
    crap - it's mostly phoney- an appearance encouraged by the Watchtower.

    There are good and bad people in the world - and in the organization.
    Just as you cherish good memories about past kind Witnesses, so there are
    'worldly' people who cherish memories of friends, family, or workmates
    that similarily manifested compassion.

    Beyond that, the problem with the 'truth' is ALWAYS one of emphasis. Do they hate
    child molesting? Sure! but not always enough to report it, to maintain the Watchtower
    image. Do they teach love? Yes, but it is always secondary to obeying rules, putting
    in time, pleasing the Circuit Overseer, attending all the meetings, blah, blah, blah..

    The good things
    The REALLY good things - the brotherhood, the cameraderie, the friendship
    The things we always looked forward to in the 'New Order'

    get farther and farther away with each passing year. That's why the Watchtower
    Truth book) to eighth in a recent study article.

    In the final days of the Soviet Union
    an old man passed a long line waiting for food

    "eighty years after the revolution,
    and you still wait for bread!"

    and so it goes


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