I just got the October 15th 2002 issue of the Watchtower magazine. On pages 8 and 9 we see a caption reading " Jesus firmly opposed the Devil". Jesus is standing there pointing at a slouching, hooded man. I have never seen a WT artist's rendition of Satan the Devil. Is this possibly the Society's first depiction of Satan in human form?
Devil's appearance in WT literature
by stichione 39 Replies latest watchtower bible
Come to think of it, I do not recall ever seeing a picture of Satan in the literature. The only picture that even comes close is the painting of the four horsemen with Death following closely behind. If anyone has ever toured the Bethel facilities, then you know that the original artwork for the literature is placed on walls throughout the different buildings. In this particular painting, Death is wearing a black hooded robe-? and you can barely make out a face. I took a picture of it up close on one of our tours and I just need to find the picture. I'll post it as soon as I get home tonight.
I haven't seen the newest WT yet, but is Satan depicted wearing all black? And can you see his face?
the artist's rendition depicts Satan as a dark hooded figure, slouching, with white knuckles. The bearded face is dark but you can still make out the whites of his eyes. I look forward to seeing your picture. By the way, the four horsemen of the Apocalypse are not representative of Satan. Death as depicted in the Revelation-Climax book is not the same at all with the October 15th 2002 Watchtower magazine. -
I look forward to seeing this picture. please don't think I am crazy. I am an ex JW that spent 16 years away from God after I was disfellowshiped. I belived what they told me. That God wanted nothing to do with me anymore.
About 4 years ago I started to search for God. I wanted him in my life. It took three years of reading, praying and searching. I am now a born again christian. It has really changed my life. IN the course of going thru this, one night I had this vivid experience. I really thought I was awake, but obviously I was not. It happened like this:
I got up to use the bathroom. I had spent many hours on the net in ex JW sites before bed. I did not turn on any lights when I got up. There was very, very little light from a night light in another room. I looked into the spare bedroom and there was this hooded dark object. almost faceless. It was like it had a face, but you really did not see it. It was an endless face into an eternity of nothing. It spoke to me in a telepathic way saying..this is where you are going...into nothing forever. It shook me to the core.
Funny you should say that they depicted satan in this manner as that is how I saw this entity that night.
Any opinions on what happened to me? Appreciate you input.
agape love gold.
In Jehovah's world, a 'devil' doesn't necessarily need to be seen as a grotesque, hooded figure.
Satan can be easily depicted in His publications as any object the organization chooses for best immediate effect, such as a successful, but rather crazed looking individual sitting with a laptop display opened to an on-line discussion group.
Someone there has obviously seen Lord of the Rings, and thought the ringwraiths were cool.
A Paduan
I thought he looked like a fine dressed man in a suit with a black bag in his hand. That's the only devil I've actually met yet anyway.
About what you saw......
it seems to me that with thinking so much about the org and remaining on the net at night as you were... you may have been halucinating........sorry if I seem to offend......
AS long as your born again experience is working well and feels real then That is all you need to know.......
MY tendency to analyze overly is very often not good.......
They did have a picture of him once. Can't remember where, whether mag or book. He was a rather handsome fellow, with thick black hair except for a couple of streaks of grey at his temples... where horns might have been, had he had horns...
If I recall correctly, he was showing Jesus the wonders of the world, offering them in exchange for an act of worship.
There's plenty of pics of The Devil in the publications over the years....What they should have portrayed him as was an angel of light. This way maybe he could have tricked Jesus like he did Eve.