Can someone please tell me the beliefs of J W? Do they believe that Jesus died on the cross and shed his blood for us? do they believe that through Jesus Christ we shall be saved? Do they believe that Jesus will be coming back soon to take us home? How are there beliefs so different that a Great-Grandmother can not even go to her grandsons funeral and that a Dad want even go to his daughters wedding if she is married in a church? Didn't Jesus himself go into sinners homes and eat at there tables and eat there food?
Answers please
by bigdaddysgurl27 80 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
bigdaddy! Yes they believe Jesus died on a TREE- dont mention the cross-thats a no-no. But he only died for Adam- a man for a man- He opened the door for you to go work for your getting into a Paradise earth- which comes after a thousand years. Of course only Jehovahs Witnesses are going to be left after Armeggedon- They are having to clean up the earth- Then when it is a Paridise earth after a thousand year- Every one who hasnt been Witnessed to will get a resurecction. (Only in truth it is a recreaction) as the body rotted in the grave. Oh no They couldnt go into a church- they would rather go into a den of pit bulls-
Well I have to say that I am glad that Jesus died on the Cross for me and anyone that wants to accept him as there Lord and Savior. Because of God's son I KNOW that my name is written down in the Lambs Book of Life and that when I die I have a place on the RIGHT hand of GOD. I also have to say that some of the things that I read in the post saddens me. I am also sure that there is alot that saddens my Lord and God.. Do J W beleive in Trinity? You know the threefold, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit?
Click on each of the blue links for more info.
Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, Charles Taze Russell, Brooklyn, NY: Satan is the originator of the idea of the Trinity. The Father is the supreme God whose real name is Jehovah. Jesus is a created being known originally as Michael the Archangel; he is a god, not Jehovah. Jesus only rose spiritually, not bodily, from the dead. The Holy Spirit is the impersonal active force of God. Only the anointed class (or little flock) numbering 144,000 will go to heaven, while faithful other sheep will live eternally on a paradise earth; the lost will cease to exist (annihilationism). Publishes the Watchtower and Awake! magazines, the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (their own version of the Bible), as well as numerous books. Originally called International Bible Students, followers today are called Jehovahs Witnesses. Research material available. Profile available.
Click on the last link "Profile"
Edited by - LuckyLucy on 24 September 2002 14:46:22
Thank you for your response. I think that I now know how to handle the J W that come to my door. I will not be ugly to any of them, but there booklets and handouts will no longer be welcome in my house. I am also glad that I am not among the lost that will be spending eternity in Hell. I will say that everyone is entitled to there own beliefs no matter what anyone else thinks about them, no matter how wrong some think they are.
Just out of curiosity who does this include:
I am also glad that I am not among the lost that will be spending eternity in Hell
Who are "the lost" that you speak of? Muslims? Atheists? Wiccans?
Just curious. . . .
Me thinks I'm happy that Jesus died for you! He LIVED for me!
I have my beliefs like everyone else has there beliefs. I have my GOD and others have theres and my GOD and my bible says that the only way to GOD is though JESUS CHRIST, HIS son. Those who do not accept Jesus as there Lord and Savior and let it be known publicly will not have a home in Heaven. SO, my beliefs are that if you do not accept Jesus and if you are not a Christian then you have a home in Hell.
I am sorry that I asked about Jw. The things that I have learned from Jw believers and ex believers have sickend and saddend me.
Do J W beleive in Trinity? You know the threefold, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit?
Um... what makes you ask?