stinky pantz; go back and read your posts on page said that jw believe jesus is their savior. i don't know how to paste your past comments here. jw believe jesus is their savior only through the fds it's not a personal thing. between one and jesus. i'm not here to argue with you ..but i know what they teach...jws believe you cannot come to jesus/god without said that jws have turned to jesus. i truth jws have made the wt their savior... i'm only bringing out a point , in fact i don't think you meant to write it that way...john
Answers please
by bigdaddysgurl27 80 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Well with all this high IQ-I can understand why God chose the foolish things in the world to put the wise to shame ----Yep I am one of those- foolish----I went to an assembly in Aug- ( for a couple of hours I couldnt stand to hear the bragging) But I have not been to a meeting in about 15 years. Thank God. I know you consider that Jesus is a god- that is why I am asking is there two gods,Gods, in the WT?You see I believe I am made in His image- also I have a body- a soul-& a spirit
Just as God has a Body= Jesus a Soul=Father-& Spirit=Holy Spirit-Which works together to produce harmony- The trouble is mine dont work together. My body lays in bed my spirit say "get up" but my soul says no!
Sorry if you cant understand my explaination- Nobody does.But Hey since I am FREE in CHRIST I can believe what I want-& I do!!!!
Yes I believe Romans 8 :1 "there is no condemnation in Christ" Once your born again your one of HIS kids- When we have kids( first birth) if they screw up I dont kill em off- or abandon them- I still love them .
God is far more loving than me I believe no matter what we do once we are born again- He will
still love us- but if we are obeying "Daddy" as we said we would -when we "opened the door to Him"
Then we wont srew up!!! Yes I know some that say they are born again do screw up- But I believe thats when Jesus said" Get away from me I never knew you"
johnny cip
mouthy; i like your reasoning and your funny.....john
Well I'm glad you appreciate her reasoning John. . . ..
Anyway, I'm through with this thread. John, you can be angry with me or whatever. I actually don't care what JW's think. If you cleared up any misstatements I made then so be it. There's no point in arguing with you over it because I'm not a JW, and I don't even believe the way they do.
And this whole Jesus thing is pointless to me also because I doubt he was any more "godly" than you or I, and a book written so long ago won't make me believe otherwise.
BTW, mouthy, have you not read my other posts? You claim that I
I know you consider that Jesus is a god-
I do not consider him a god, JW's recognize he's a god, just not the Almighty God. Do you understand what I'm saying?
Well with all this high IQ-I can understand why God chose the foolish things in the world to put the wise to shame
If this is meant to insult me you did not succeed. You have yet to put me to shame. You could possibly put JW's to shame but not me. If ever you want to debate with me over one of my beliefs and put me to shame bring it on; otherwise don't flatter yourself. -
StinkyPantz, thank you for all of your imput. I have to say though I have heard a lot more bad than good about JW's. I also want to say that I am glad that you are not a part of them anymore.
I just wanted to say that I also really like the King James Version (it does have quite a few words I didn't know, so I had to look them up, but it was kind of fun checking out new words).
However, there are other Bibles I really like too.
If anyone is interested, here is a GREAT FREE BIBLE SOFTWARE WEBSITE: (and no, I don't get any "kick-backs" for advertising this Site).
I also wanted to explain more about what the Jehovah's Witnesses believe about Jesus Christ:
In their Publications, they do occasionally call Him "Lord" and also "a god".
However, since they believe Jesus is Michael the Archangel, is that going to save any of them?
Let's put it another way, if I were to believe that you were Jesus Christ, and that you had died for me, would that save me?
Of course not, because I would be believing in a FALSE CHRIST, and rejecting the TRUE CHRIST who actually did die for me.
That is the same thing the JW's do, because they are putting their faith in an ANGEL who they claim died for them.
Plus, the Governing Body REPLACES Jesus Christ for the "Other Sheep".
Oh come on stinkypants-I am sorry you took offense- I am sorry if I hurt you- If you knew me- you would know that is why I call myself mouthy- I am apt to put my foot in my mouth-(God isnt finished with me yet) It sounded to me as if you were-had been- or was interested in the JW doctrine.
Yes I would love to disguss with you any topic you lice- Not the occult- I already have a guy pestering me with that- I already told him i am not interested- but he keeps on-
& he wasnt trained by the WTower. Hey do I get forgiven???????( by you anyway-I have already been forgiven by GOD
Johnny cip----Thanks-if you think THATS funny you should see ME!!!!you would ROTFL
Thank you everyone for your input.
Bigdaddysgurl27, I am disappointed at the approach you took here when proclaiming the Word of God. It seems your intent was to advertise the truth, but I fear you have more damage then healing. You have to understand more of what JWs and XJWs have gone through. Some former Witnesses were raised in the WTSs version of the Truth. For many of them, the bible was used as a punishing club to keep them in line. A scripture that is inspiring to us makes them cringe, just as a child who has been punished with the strap one too many times, cringes at the sight of an ordinary belt.
I have defended the right for Christians to post and provide encouragement at this site under the thread, Are Born Agains qualified to help JW's? Sleepy said,
I don't think so. Sorry if you are one I have nothing against you personally, nor JW's come to think of it, but offering your version of truth to JW's is for them to jump out of the frying pan into the fire. The bible is the root of JW problems and following that book in which ever way you wish will always be in error.
I argued that Sleepy was wrong. Unfortunately, posters like you and Johnny Cip, who insult those with different beliefs before getting their facts straight, are hurting my cause. I suggest you find out more about your audience before you wield the double-edged sword again. You might accidentally cut off someones ear.