Islam is a religion of Peace

by Coded Logic 33 Replies latest social current

  • smiddy


    So you think we should just incarcerate these people in institutions where it is proven they have the capability to influence and recruit  others to their cause to commit further atrocities .

    These people who commit these atrocities are not crazy/insane , get that idea out of your head , they are terrorists , they know exactly what they are doing and are prepared to suffer the consequences , albeit a misguided belief/indoctrination they will entertain 70 virgins in the afterlife.

    If they are dead ,they cant be an influence or encourage anybody else to engage in such activities .


  • LoveUniHateExams

    'The religion of peace' - so called because when the blessed mujahideen defend the honour of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), people are gunned down and end up in eternal peace.

    I anticipate an article by Seamas Milne showing tender concern for blowback against the muslim community before explaining who the real culprits in all of this really are - America and Israel.

    Allahu Akbar! 

  • Viviane

    So you think we should just incarcerate these people in institutions where it is proven they have the capability to influence and recruit  others to their cause to commit further atrocities .

    Why in the world would you allow people like that the opportunity to influence others? Sounds like people that would allow that are just really bad at incarceration. Also, that's not at all what I said, so I have no idea why you would make such a ridiculous argument and then falsely attempt to claim it was my idea.

    These people who commit these atrocities are not crazy/insane , get that idea out of your head , they are terrorists , they know exactly what they are doing and are prepared to suffer the consequences , albeit a misguided belief/indoctrination they will entertain 70 virgins in the afterlife.

    They absolutely are insane, unless you think believing in invisible people giving you rewards for hurting people is normal behavior, in which case you've just summed up religion.

    If they are dead ,they cant be an influence or encourage anybody else to engage in such activities .

    Nor if they are properly managed, at 1/3 the cost. If you kill them, then they are a martyr for the rest of the religious/insane people out there AND you haven't taught people it's OK to kill for no good reason. Just like you wouldn't teach a child fire is hot by burning her, you can't expect to kill to satisfy your emotional needs and not expect others to learn that lesson.

  • smiddy

    talesin ,viviane,,coded logic,fiddler,loveuniHate exams , and whover else , 

    I have stated my opinion on this issue and i stand by it , obviously you have a different take on the matter , so be it 

    You are welcome to your views , I am equally welcome to mine , and thats where I will leave it .

    I cant be bothered going over who said this or who said that , we are all entitled to our opinion .


  • Coded Logic
    Coded Logic


    You made several claims.  Vivian was kind enough to go through each point you made and explain how they were factually or logically wrong.  This is not a simple "difference of opinion."  This is about having the correct understanding of how reality works and how our actions manifest in the real world.

    Which is the best flavor of ice cream is a difference of opinion.  How best to treat living breathing human beings is not subject to your limited personal experience.  Facts actually matter.  And if you wish to engage in discussion you're going to have to learn to put premises behind your conclusions.  If you're not comfortable doing that - please don't subject your opinions to the public sphere.  

    Thank you.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    How does killing them cost 3x what it does for life imprisonment?Those sums seem way off to me.

  • Slave4_38y

    Uhm, Poe's Law everyone . . . 

  • bohm
    There are speculations that this may be related to the hundreds of delusional turds floating to and from Syria to train and fight for ISIS. I do think going to fight with those genocidal maniacs should qualify one to stand trial, much like fighting against ones country for an enemy force. 

    Is Islam a religion of peace?

    Check out the latest news from France:

    "The two main suspects in the Islamist attack on Charlie Hebdo magazine in Paris are said to have robbed a service station in the north of France.

    They stole food and petrol, firing shots as they struck at the roadside stop near Villers-Cotterets in the Aisne region, French media report.

    France has observed a minute's silence for the 12 people killed at the office of the satirical magazine."

  • KateWild

    This is a really sad story. The fact that crazy Muslims can kill 12 people just because they're taking the mickey out of their religion, is tragic.

    Sadly many don't realise that not all Muslims are killers and take the Koran literally and tar all with one brush, when in fact most Muslims especially women and children are victims of this high control religion and don't know how to escape.

    Kate xx

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