First you tell me there is no way out, then you tell me to get out. Could please explain to me one more time?
by perfectpie 28 Replies latest jw friends
First you tell me there is no way out, then you tell me to get out. Could please explain to me one more time?
OK, just incase I might have confused everyone...
You CANNOT get out of the COVENANT you conclude with JEHOVAH at baptism, but you CAN get out of the clutches of the WTS, Babylon the Great.
So, once you leave the WTS, you should CONTINUE to do Jehovah's Will UNRESERVEDLY, He will still ask back what you promised in His name.
I did do Jehovah's will. I got an education, got married, had three children who turned out to be decent people, and now I am retired and Jehovah appreciates the fact that I have led a pretty good life, although I did make some mistakes along the way. By the way, I think you should follow in my footsteps.
kes152 said:
Much like Christendom, the Jehovah's witnesses including the WT organization never claimed to be in the new covenant mediated by Jesus Christ.
Then you replied:
This is true. But, the WTS are deliberately...
First of all, not counting the "Christendom" folks who DO partake of the bread and the wine at every memorial because they DO consider themselves in a covenant with Christ, I will say that it is histerically funny to see the likes of you and others with prophetic notions have to go to GREAT DETAIL to tell someone what they "really believe" and then debunk what you just told them they believe. It's almost like a strawman argument.
I have heard a witness say to me before: "You don't know what you believe!" I ask them: "Oh, and you DO know what I believe?" And the response is: "Yes I do, and it is wrong." ROTFLMAO.
Then they proceed to "explain" to me what I "really believe". They then argue against what they've told me I believe.
Logical, I think you and "mds" are doing the same thing to other witnesses/ex-witnesses, etc. I also think that kes152 is doing the same thing to you. I also think you are sidestepping issues just like "christiandom" does whenever a witness knocks on the door. You sidestep what you cannot immediately refute on your OWN terms.
Utterly hilarious (sp!) it is to see totally different mindsets being so much alike.
Now back to my main point. If what kes152 has said was TRUE, as you stated, why have you neglected to answer the remainder of his argument?
Is this "too trivial" for "mds" to be bothered with?
If so, then I would say that it is very convienient.
When have Christendom ever worshipped Jehovah?
When have they ever been identified by His name?
logical, I am assuming that you are referring to trinitarians when you say "christiendom", rather than unitarians, arians, etc.
When have Christendom ever worshipped Jehovah?
Every day. Especially if they thought that God was manifest in three persons of co-equal substance and virtue. (trinitarians usually called God Jehovah.) They worshipped Jesus because they considered him as much God as Jehovah.
When have they ever been identified by His name?
Every day. Especially if they thought that God was manifest in three persons of co-equal substance and virtue.
May you ALL have peace!
Logical, you said:
"Jehovah's Witnesses enter in a covenant, whether they know it or not, upon their baptism. Ecclesiasted 5:4-6 shows that they are bound by what they promise in the name of Jehovah. Even with the "simplified" idolatrous questions, they are still swearing to Jehovah."
You are correct. The problem that you may not see... is that they made a 'covenant' to our Father INVOLVING idolatry. So what must be addressed is ... "What SHARING does God have with idolatry?" If you vow a 'vow' to God with idoaltry questions, you vowed with idolarty in view and not with righteousness in view. So by JWs fulfilling that vow with the idolatry that they agreed to commit, 'according to the vow,' then they DID EXACTLY what they promised to do in the name of Jehovah. Namely, commit idolatry.
This 'covenant' is described by our Father in Isaiah 28:14,15.
"Wherefore hear the word of Jehovah, ye scoffers, that rule this people that is IN Jerusalem: 'Because ye have said, We have made a covenant with death, and with Sheol are we at agreement; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us; for we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves:"
Notice that a 'covenant' WAS made, but with death. And that 'covenant' or 'promise' was that when the "scourge" from Jehovah comes, "it shall NOT come to us." These were the words of the RULERS of Jerusalem, God's people, a.k.a. the "true religion." Sounds just like the same "rulers" of a "true religion" organization on earth today, yes?
God has made only one 'covenant' with his Son as mediator, the 'new covenant.' The WTBTS has willfully refused "partaking" in that covenant, as well as 6 million JWs. They also willingly "make that known" among other JWs. But, the 'society' known as the Anointed Remnant WITH the Governing Body as its Mother has professed to 'partake' in that covenant.
When God says "get out of her my people," He is calling us out from 'among' the Governing Body AND it's 'anointed remnant.' Since our 'spiritual food' is 'said' to come from the 'anointed.' Her judgement is coming. The WTBTS is a 'legal entity' or 'wild beast' that the Governing Body 'sits' on as a queen.
Don't be mislead, ANY ONE OF US could ALSO be refered to in the prophecies against Israel. For the Son of Man is 'known' to give 'unfaithful ones' their portion with the "hypocrites." For "judgement" starts with the 'house' of God (1 Pet. 4:17; Heb. 3:6).
To him that has 'ears,' "hear" what the spirit says to the congregations.
It is not possible for any truly annointed Christians to be among the congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses, with all the wickedness going on.
1 John 2:27 and Romans 8:14-16 show this.
Greetings Logical,
And that is the VERY reason why my Lord says that all those who 'profess' to be 'anointed' with his spirit and are apart of the JW organization, are "imposters."
They are that "foreign woman" in proverbs that we are warned against and also they are those who "come on the basis of my name saying, 'I am anointed' and will MISLEAD MANY."
Since they are 'foreign women' He will likewise say to them "I never KNEW you."
And that is why they were the "harlots" in the revelation given to our brother. For if they truly recieved that 'anointing,' they would not be 'attached' to any religion, only my Lord who 'anointed' them.
Indeed, the "Mother" has fallen in Oct. 9th 2000. Now she along with the "harlots" of whom she is "Mother" of await the judgement from our Father.
Peace to you and MDS too,