I got a report on the March!!

by Mulan 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • FiveShadows

    interesting how the watchtower bible and tract society is so ANTI-GOVERNMENT but they're system is setup like the government system. President..vice...etc.. ~FS p.s. Please visit my post http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.aspx?id=37524&site=3 and help

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    HAHAHHAAH Nathan! LOL!!

    Miracle Compost (RT) huh? Bet it stinks to high heaven, too!

    Country Girl

  • WildHorses

    This is turning out to be better than I expected it would be. I still wish they would make a movie of the whole thing. That is the best way to reach the majority of the population..

  • Sentinel

    The more I see" that Jaracz name, the more "annoyed" I get. I really haven't been able to pinpointe why he irritates me so. Then, it just hit me. It's the letters in his name. They seem to mean something. Why yes, it's...

    CRA Z JA Or in plain english, crazy jacka$$

    (This is what I get for playing so much Scrabbel. )

    In my opinion, this so called "spiritual" leader should have at least shown his face today. Really, who is this guy anyway? Where did he pop up from?

    Haven't they been making these christian movies about a man who rises up out of nowhere and leads the masses of people. They think he is divinely good, but he is really evil. Hummmmm


    I am just so happy that the weather was good and that our dear friends were allowed to make their statement to the public. This is only the beginning, I hope.

    It will be good to hear from the various participants as they have time to inform us via the JWD here.


  • anyavnclv

    Sorry for being the dumb butt here but who is Jaracz??

    Thanks ;o)


  • crownboy

    anyavnclv, Theodore Jaracz is a member of the governing body. As the head of the Service Department, he weilds a lot of power not only in the JW org., but on the governing body itself.

    Jaracz is a molestor? I'd like to get solid conformation of this, but absolutely nothing about the JW's surprises me anymore, so it very well may be true.

    Edited by - crownboy on 27 September 2002 19:41:13

  • minimus

    Was the indictment against Jaracz due to his being in charge? Or was it because he actually molested ??

  • amac

    Mulan, I always enjoy your posts. But that is a serious accusation and should not be thrown about lightly. Was this case ever tried in court or taken to authorities? If not, then that can turn into a serious case of slander. This is obvious by the number of people on this thread alone who are inclined to believe it without a single ounce of evidence besides a second hand accusation. Jaracz has always kind of creeped me out, but I'm certainly not going to let that sway me to believe he is a molester on hearsay alone. Forgive my skepticism Mulan, but I only know you through reading a few of your posts and I don't know your friend one bit. For all I know, she could be heading into senility early or a compulsive liar or anything. It's sad to see people quickly pin someone with a label that can stay with them the rest of their life, right or wrong.

  • BugParadise

    Thanks for the Update Mulan!


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Wow thank you for the report. I just got in from delivering my lambs on my own little march and couldn't wait to get in and see if there was any news and sure enough


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