What part of the bible is most disturbing to you?

by crownboy 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • pomegranate

    If the Bible is God's, then it will be God to prove it true and not any man...why should any man have to prove true God's words? If God uttered the words, then it's HIS responsibilty to prove them to be true.

    I believe God can and will justify Himself and His Book at the expense of unbelievers.

  • DannyBear


    ***I believe God can and will justify Himself and His Book at the expense of unbelievers.***

    The above statement uttered by Mormon's in support of 'the book of mormon', muslim's in support of the koran, hindu's in support of the veda sacred scriptures. You know what they all have in common?

    They all in one way or another insert the same caviat as you just did "at the expense of unbelievers".

    In other words, because you don't blindly accept, roll over and praise our god, our holeeeeeee scriptures, your all gonna be dead meat.

    The very audacity and self righteous pomposity of this stand, doesn't even phase you one bit. You guys just roll your eye's and continue to spout more nonsense, with nothing more than a wish and a prayer.

    So keep on wishing and praying, religious fanatics have been doing so for thousands of years. Why should you in this age of enlightenment be any different? Eh?


  • pomegranate

    As I said: If God uttered the words, then it's HIS responsibilty to prove them to be true.

  • DannyBear

    Ok then, I can honestly say I agree. See if you leave out all the judgementalism, people can and will respond in a more positive fashion. Robbydobby could take a lesson from you Pomegranate.


  • Farkel

    The part I have a problem with is Genesis through Revelation. Other than that, I have no problems with it.


  • Mulan

    As my husband, bigred, always says, "first, there has to be the willingness to believe." He is willing, and I am less willing.

    And, it's okay with him. Viva la differance!!

  • LyinEyes

    A few months ago, I decided to read the Bible without the aid of the WT. American Standard version this time , thou. I made it to Gen . chapter 6.............. THE FLOOD.......... I got mad and put it down, ,,, I have not reopened the Bible since. I just can't get past God destroying all of mankind, even the animals, plants, etc. They were just a small group of people and compared to what the world is like now, I could see God flooding the earth at this point. But back then , I find it hard to believe they deserved to die like that and only Noah and family were good enough. Stories in the Bible like this , make me distrust that the Bible is even true. Or that there is a God. And while I am ranting, may I add that I am sick of thinking about spirituality, and is there a God,? ,,, just tired of dwelling on it all the time. I need a new hobby, and accept the fact that I will never know for sure the answers I thought I knew as a JW.

  • Ephanyminitas
    A few months ago, I decided to read the Bible without the aid of the WT.

    Well, there's yer problem. Don't you know that you can't understand the Bible without the faithful and discreet slave breathing down your back, telling you what such-and-such means?

  • DannyBear


    ***Viva la differance!!***

    Well said. Big red is right, imo one must not only have willingness, but probably had considerable influence to believe or become a believer.

    In my family it goes way back. My grandfather a methodist minister before being hoodwinked by a particularly powerful colporter's sermon....wherein his entire belief system was challenged...'no more hell fire and brimstone, life everlasting in the flesh, all such new and reasonable sounding beliefs, he simply went back to his congregation and informed them that he now was one of the 'bible students' and could no longer be a methodist minister.

    That one moment of change in belief or 'willingness to believe' set the stage for four generations of jw's....and all the heartache and grief that came along with it. Thanks grandpa .

    So many of us have been handed our beliefs down from generation to generation, that a very slim majority ever really had the opportunity to question/reason over the the matter of fact tradition THE BIBLE IS GOD'S WORD.

    Rumors are rarely founded in fact. Who started the rumor about the bible anyway?


  • heathen

    robbydobby - I am waiting for you to post all your unselfish heroic acts on the board .

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